Hi, I get pain in my right side especially after drinking alcohol, also with fast food but not as severe. I have posted on here previously but have since had a fibroscan score of 4.9kpa (12.4 in February) seen numerous specialists who cannot provide a proper diagnosis. Pain radiates all down right side of the back especially the shoulder blade area. Also had a clear liver multi Scan in June. I've had basically all scans/tests available for the liver except a biopsy. It looks like the previous fibroscan of 12.4 was an overestimation because I remember the doctor struggling to get a reading at the time.
Pain in right side especially after dr... - British Liver Trust
Pain in right side especially after drinking

Pain will normally peak 2-4 days after drinking and can linger for 10 days
From reading back your posts B_RC you previously presented with high ALT and high GGT blood test results demonstrating that your liver was probably inflamed - doctors advised they had identified some scarring but not cirrhosis and advised abstinence from alcohol to give your liver the chance to recover. You've had a fibroscan which would indicate some thickening of the liver & at one point I believe you mentioned you had Alpha-1antitrypsin deficiency (which on it's own can lead to cirrhosis).
You were strongly advised to abstain from alcohol but if you haven't then this pain could be the liver still rumbling away, with the alpha 1 deficiency you already have a liver condition that could worsen without alcohol's help and if you are continueing to drink it's sadly like pouring petrol on a bonfire........... giving your potentially damaged liver even more hard work to do by having it deal with alcohol is not going to help one bit.
Your liver might be inflamed again, you might be seeing further fatty deposits building up which in turn will turn your liver fibrotic and potentially cirrhotic further down the line.
What you are asking is like someone stating "When I put my hand in a fire it burns me!" What would you advise them? ........ "Don't put your hand in the fire then!".
Might be worth revisiting the doctors for some blood tests and trying to lay off the drink and the highy processed fast foods which are causing you these issues.
Hi. I had a fibroscan of 4.9 kph on Friday showing a healthy liver. ALT is 45 with all the rest normal on the bloods. The only abnormality I see is excess fat or grease in my stools, a high GGT isn't necessarily caused by alcohol. Mild scarring which has now gone, the scan which showed 12.4 I never even paid for because I didn't believe it was right and haven't been chased for the money after I explained what I thought. The liver multiscan showed a healthy liver, a fibroscan score of 4.9, a normal CT Scan, Slight hiatus hernia in an endoscopy, clear CT Scan. Surely one of these would flag up a damaged liver!?!?!?!. I understand your point but I've seen 4 specialists who have all said it can't be the liver!!!!!
Well I have Cirrosis , now coming up to 9 yrs and I listened to what my consultant told me , stay off the booze !! alcohol is the worst thing you can take that with every mouthful you are killing another healthy cell . It just is not worth the risk , I did relapse when I lost my loving father to cancer and my ascites returned .i think you need to abstain from drinking . Then I think you will see an improvement .. There's a life without Booze and I now enjoy my healthy cooking , yes Xmas is a hard time for me but I only have alcohol free drinks under the watchful eye of my daughter over the Xmas period .. Regards Linda
I appreciate your input but I'm really looking to find if anyone else has or is experiencing the same issues. On paper, I have a healthy liver. Any doctor would tell you to abstain if it caused you pain, I don't need a doctor to tell me that, to have all normal fibroscan, MRI,CT,ultrasound (forgot that earlier), multi Scan. Seems puzzling to be told you have a healthy liver by all these specialists as well.
I seems I have exactly the same issue, I go out drinking once every blue moon but the following day wake up with a weird feeling on my right hand side of my stomach just under my ribs. This gets progressively worse throughout the day until late that night it becomes unbearable. The next morning (day2) the pain has gone but the uncomfortable feeling stays for 3-4 days.. the docs just say don’t drink, I just think there is obvs an issue here as nobody else gets this kind of punishment for going out enjoying themselves.
Any help would be appreciated
I've noticed the same effect after few drinks or getting upset (bile excretes then also) and some food. I think that this is related to gallbladder bile excretion. Bile contains several chemicals required by your body and also toxic chemicals, heavy metals and such that the liver filters out. I'm assuming that after a toxic (meal/drinks) bile is full of concentrated toxins, more then usually and perhaps has less water content. That in turn (in some people with delicate, easily inflamable gallbladder walls) may cause an irritation and dull discomfort (sometime sharp pain or such) as you mention. When I take dehydrocholic acid that improves bile movement and quantity, my dull pain mostly disappears in 1 hour or so. Try raphacholin-forte or similar supplement containing composition of dehydrocholic acid with addition of Spanish radish extract, increasing volume of the secreted bile (cholepoietic effects) and accelerating its transport to duodenum. Let us know if that helped.
As you say, liver tests seem ok. Has anybody mentioned gallbladder to you?
you need to stop drinking end of ,,,,i did it so can you

Sorry bud, these aren't alcoholics. These are just your average, run of the mill social drinkers who might have 4 or 5 drinks on a Friday night. I know what their talking about. I'm confused about my problems. I got crippled in a boxing match eight years ago. It's really weird how this all happened. Where my ribs were broken in the match I developed a stomach muscle problem. The strange thing is that right at that time I began to go out with friends and drink, usually only once a week, under ten drinks, far below a threshold that would cause liver troubles. In a nutshell I have drank about 6-8 drinks a week for the last ten years, again, way below any alarm bells for liver problems. It's strange that right after my boxing injury I began to get a pain in the right side whenever I had more than four drinks. I'm confused because I also still have the muscle injury. I can't do sit-ups, and when I sing or talk too much my muscle begins to hurt. Crazy stuff, huh? I'd like to see the smartest man in the world figure this one out. Is it the drink? Is is the injury? You tell me.
Whilst no one on here is qualified to give you the diagnosis you are searching for, you have yourself identified what causes your pain to increase in the first line of your post, alcohol.
I appreciate you wish to get to the bottom of the root cause of this pain, however, having identified alcohol as the trigger why not take that as a warning sign that it is obviously affecting your body in some way and abstain from drinking for the time being.
I notice you say in a previous post that you have been a binge drinker for 8 years. It is well documented that binge drinking is extremely harmful to the liver.
As someone who drank to excess for a few years, I became afraid when I too started to suffer right sided pain after drinking. Frightened enough to stop and stay stopped, I took it as a warning sign that the alcohol was starting to take its toll.
If you view it as an allergy, the same as any other allergic reaction, for example a nut allergy, would you continue to eat nuts knowing the outcome?
Maybe another visit to your GP is needed, but in the meantime why not try giving the alcohol a rest and see what effect that has.

Did you liver recover after abstinence? Curious. I have the same thing.
Hi there
Yes, within approximately two weeks of giving up alcohol completely, the right sided pain disappeared as well as all the other horrible effects I was starting to experience as a result of my drinking e.g. night sweats, loss of appetite, just generally feeling unwell.
In three weeks time I will be 11 years alcohol free, definitely the best thing I ever did!

Did you ever got yourself medical checked to see if your insides also recovered?
Hi vincentje80
Whilst I was actively drinking I refused to let my GP carry out a liver function test, believe it or not this was purely as a result of fear. I was so afraid that something was wrong but was also in denial.
However, in sobriety I have unfortunately undergone two lots of major cervical spinal surgery and as a result of complications with these surgeries I have had numerous routine tests, which is the norm during every hospital admittance, including liver function tests as well as CT scans of my internal organs. All have been pristine, the only problems identified are neurological, ie nerve damage, as a result of spinal cord trauma, which had already been diagnosed, the scans are just for confirmation of this.
In March I will celebrate 12 years sobriety and can honestly say that it was the best decision I ever made. And, no, I don’t miss alcohol. There’s a saying in AA...”when alcohol starts costing you more than money, it’s too expensive “ ... I’ve seen the end results with those who continue to drink knowing it is causing them problems and all I can say is it never ends well.

Hey Jacqui
Thank you for the reply, glad your organs were still alright.
I am in the process of quitting, because it gave me issues and decided it wasn't worth it anymore, and luckily it's not so hard to me as some (had periods i didn't drink for 2 months and then you try again).
Was going to quit period on new year, then a bday came by (went excessive) and the right side feeling afterwards (which led me to this site and reply to you on a 2 year old topic).
Your comment struck out about the nut allergy (Oh and i had a friend from the UK also called Jacqui).
We all know it in our mind but yet with alcohol we tell ourselves it's different, "okay".
I was more of a weekend drinker though some periods also 1-2 glasses on normal days, but also scared about the results (though can't even check it atm because of financial reasons).
I had my liver and other organs checked years ago, aside some minor spots it was fine then, i went back to ask if drinking was still okay, but the doctor was away, dunno who i spoke to was also a doctor, just a receptionist or just a general reaction but back then i was already told better not to drink.
As long as i don't drink i don't have any feeling of that right side, but still that can't always calm yourself.
Your life, body it's valuable and alot more worth then alcohol, and if i ever get children i would definitely pass that life lesson on, wish someone would have done it with me instead of learning the hard way.
I stopped for 6 months and the pain never went away
Have they examined your gall bladder? Fatty stools and right side pain could be a gall bladder issue if they've all but ruled out liver.
I can only recommend that you return to your GP in the first instance and hopefully you can be referred for further investigative tests.
I wish you the very best of luck and hope that you can get the much needed answers that you need.
Take care,
Not really looked at the gallbladder. Waiting for an appointment is outrageous!! 3 month waiting list. Went to see Dr Munro at shakespear medical she suggested possible chloecystitis
Hi just thought I would update, still getting the pain especially after booze/fast food, turns out through a HIDA scan that my gallbladder is 1% functional and I'm having a consultation next week to see what I'm going to do with it.
B_rc, I found your post when googling my symptoms, exactly the same as yours sounds.
Feel it most after drinking alcohol, but to a lesser extent after caffeine and fatty foods.
Right sided dull back pain at the bottom of my ribs radiating up to my shoulders and indigestion too, increase in burping. I generally start to feel it about an hour after and goes after a day or two. Does this sound the same as you?
I've had the full works too after being referred to a gastroentologist. Extensive blood tests revealed nothing bar mild anaemia. Have had an endoscopy, ultrasound, X-ray of chest and an MRI.
The only thing picked up was mild gastritis, but I don't think that explains where the pain is located and neither did the gastroentologist as he sent me for an MRI after to check for gallstones. I did have two courses of PPIs which didn't get rid of pains either. The one thing I've not had was a Hida scan. I was sent away saying to manage it with diet (i.e. Cut out triggers).
Just curious, what did you do after your hida scan result? How are things now?
I've noticed the same effect after few drinks or getting upset (bile excretes then also) and some food. I think that this is related to gallbladder bile excretion. Bile contains several chemicals required by your body and also toxic chemicals, heavy metals and such that the liver filters out. I'm assuming that after a toxic (meal/drinks) bile is full of concentrated toxins, more then usually and perhaps has less water content. That in turn (in some people with delicate, easily inflamable gallbladder walls) may cause an irritation and dull discomfort (sometime sharp pain or such) as you mention. When I take dehydrocholic acid that improves bile movement and quantity, my dull pain mostly disappears in 1 hour or so. Try raphacholin-forte or similar supplement containing composition of dehydrocholic acid with addition of Spanish radish extract, increasing volume of the secreted bile (cholepoietic effects) and accelerating its transport to duodenum. Let us know if that helped.
I’ve had very similar experience. Symptoms started with very faint discomfort in upper right quadrant just under ribs and more toward the center. It almost wasn’t noticeable. Pain gradually increased so got full work up progressively over a year. Blood, liver panel, endoscopy, colonoscopy, HIDA scan, two CT scans one year apart. Nothing abnormal detected. Pain is present now every day at a low level (a 2 out of 10). Have tried anti acids with no effect.
Guess I should try no alcohol whatsoever for 6 months to see if there is any change
Hey Mattchu!!
Just thought i would share i share extremely similar story about a year ago started to get a slight pain/ache that was barely noticeablein my upper right abdomin area on my side just under ribs. things got worse and worse until it got extremely bad and so for the past 4 months i stopped drinking and the pains seemes to go away for the most, but on most days there was definitely still a small pain or at least uncomfertable feeling that..
..would spread to different parts of my abdominal area and sometimes round my back and in my stomach area. Including aching, stabbing and throbbing pains as well as itchy pins and needle like pains but like i said on some days would be more or less pain free. The doctor does not know what it is. I drank three pints the day before yesterday, yesterday had very bad pains in both sides sometimes switching from one side to another, and have done all day even after this small amount of alcohol it has definitely disrupted/inflamed something. The worst thing is is that it is so far undiagnosable! extremely frustrating man. Anti acids don't really do anything, i can eat pretty much any food and it doesn't increase the pain and i can drink caffeinated drinks but coffee does increase pain. How are you with different foods and drinks in conjuntion to the pain?
Kind regards,
Hello, you drank 3 pints of what?

Guineas !
Ok, sounds like you gave gastritis going on based on the symptoms you described. May need to book an appointment with a GI doctor. Any fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, excess sugars like candies and milkshakes should be greatly reduced, and drink lots of water and eat more fruits.
I've noticed the same effect after few drinks or getting upset (bile excretes then also) and some food. I think that this is related to gallbladder bile excretion. Bile contains several chemicals required by your body and also toxic chemicals, heavy metals and such that the liver filters out. I'm assuming that after a toxic (meal/drinks) bile is full of concentrated toxins, more then usually and perhaps has less water content. That in turn (in some people with delicate, easily inflamable gallbladder walls) may cause an irritation and dull discomfort (sometime sharp pain or such) as you mention. When I take dehydrocholic acid that improves bile movement and quantity, my dull pain mostly disappears in 1 hour or so. Try raphacholin-forte or similar supplement containing composition of dehydrocholic acid with addition of Spanish radish extract, increasing volume of the secreted bile (cholepoietic effects) and accelerating its transport to duodenum. Let us know if that helped.
I have this pain too. It went away for a while then I went out drinking with friends and had a couple shots and boom there it was again. It's my right side under my ribs. It gets so bad at times that I need pain meds
I've noticed the same effect after few drinks or getting upset (bile excretes then also) and some food. I think that this is related to gallbladder bile excretion. Bile contains several chemicals required by your body and also toxic chemicals, heavy metals and such that the liver filters out. I'm assuming that after a toxic (meal/drinks) bile is full of concentrated toxins, more then usually and perhaps has less water content. That in turn (in some people with delicate, easily inflamable gallbladder walls) may cause an irritation and dull discomfort (sometime sharp pain or such) as you mention. When I take dehydrocholic acid that improves bile movement and quantity, my dull pain mostly disappears in 1 hour or so. Try raphacholin-forte or similar supplement containing composition of dehydrocholic acid with addition of Spanish radish extract, increasing volume of the secreted bile (cholepoietic effects) and accelerating its transport to duodenum. Let us know if that helped.
Yes mate I have the same issues. Supposably not my liver. But its there! all tests say clear .ruining my life. Probably die of liver failure. And the doctors will say Oh yeah now I see. Missed that one.
I have the exact same issue. Pain in my right/front side after drinking 3 or more drinks. The more I drink that night the worse it is the next day. This has been going on for about 6 months. I went to the doctor and had blood work done and a Ultrasound. They said everything came back normal. I didn't start drinking alcohol until I was 30. As the years went by I gradually increased. I am 37 now. I will admit I used to drink pretty heavy for about the last 3 years. 15-20 drinks per week. I have in the last 7 months cut way back. I went 8 days in a row without even a sip. Saturday night I went out with friends to celebrate my wife's birthday. Its a rare treat for us to get to do this because we have 4 kids. So I had many many drinks. Then next day I felt really sore in the same area. At first I thought it was from swinging a golf club. (never plays golf before.)It went away after a few days. 6 days later I had 2 beers. I woke up the next day feeling sore again. I have noticed the feeling is starting to change. Now its no longer a dull ache but rather a sore feeling. Like a bruise or a sore muscle. The pain will move around the side and to the back area throughout the day. If I stop drinking it will slowly fade after 2-6 days depending on how much I drink the night before. I also would like to add that I go to the gym regularly and eat pretty clean for the most part. When I say eat clean, I mean Egg whites, baked chicken plain, and broccoli.
If I have to stop drinking altogether I am ok with that, it just sucks. Its nice to sit down and have a beer after a hard day. I guess I will be finding something else to do to unwind.
Maybe try weed
Bill and Ben: "Flobadob, Ickle Weed" ("Hello, Little Weed")
Weed: "Weeeed" ("Weeeed")
I have the exact same thing. Doctors have been running tests for two years and can't find anything.
It started about 6 months after having gall stone pancreatitis and having my gall bladder removed.
My pain is worse after alcohol, but persistent even after long periods without alcohol. Carbonated drinks also cause pain.
It seems I'm out of options. I just get to deal with the pain until something more serious shows up. We've tried different pain meds and anti-inflammatories but nothing has helped.
My body is telling me something serious is going on, but no one can tell me what's happening. It's terrifying.
Hi, I know this is a old topic but I am facing exactly the same issues you guys are describing. No one finds out what is going wrong with it, and it's been 2 years and a half. I stopped drinking alcohol, but the symptoms are still here : pain and weird feeling in the upper right area of the abdomen, just under the ribs. A ton of tests had been ran and still nothing, but my health condition is getting bad.
I would really appreciate if anyone of you ever found out what was wrong?
Thanks guys
I would start a new thread b_rc
found this post, and I have the same issue, same pain, every test says im normal, and not knowing what it is is very annoying, if any of you have any news on your condition please reply
Hi lostfish (Nemo?)
Welcome to our lovely friendly forum 😀👍
It would be better for you if you want to get answers if you start a new Thread, please.
It is simple to do this by;-
Pressing on the Home icon on the left in the top Menu
Click on the Words “What’s your Question?” in blue
Choose the Community you want to ask your Question of (excuse grammar!) - British Liver Trust
Put your Title where it says “What’s your question?”
Write your Question where it says “Include a few words or link that gives context”.
Hit “Post” - well not literally maybe better if you just click on it or touch it 😑.
Go for it, please!
Did you ever progress to a diagnosis?
Did you ever get a diagnosis or resolution? Never mind, I see you did in the thread now.
Any chance you figured out what was causing your side pain?