Who would have thought? : Hi to my old... - British Liver Trust

British Liver Trust

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Who would have thought?

FlyingArrow profile image
β€’21 Replies

Hi to my old friends who may or may not be reading this note!

Firstly, some of you may remember me as that dare devil ShropshireLass who did that silly sky dive within day's of the Covid shutdown! You may also be wondering why I've changed my name! Well after the skydive I just wanted to hide as I found my life was becoming a none stop media update, so sorry guys!

Anyway, since my mad dive my life has taken a down hill dive 🀣! My daily cycling of 25 to 30 km has been reduced to the odd day of 6 -8km since those 2 accidents which stopped my cycling for 20 weeksπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ this caused me to regain 1 of the 3 stones in weight lost which you guys gave me the support at the time to loose!

Two days ago I attended the hospital for my quarterly LFT's and chorestrol blood tests which I now await results on. To be honest its going to be my own fault if the results are bad as I've totally fallen off the healthy eating and exercise wagon which I'm not feeling very proud ofπŸ‘ŽπŸ™„

A month ago I received a letter from my lovely hepatologiest informing me that she's leaving the trust which came as a shock/sad news as we'd become good friends over the last 3 years in a funny round about way as she'd taken great interest in my mad sport activities.

Last week I attended a further hospital appointment with another consultant, this time a gynecologist as I've always known that I have a small prolaspe bladder which was detected on a CT scan taken over 5 years ago and for some reason my GP decided required further investigation around 8 weeks ago.

Well I cannot say I'm currently happy after the initial shock last week from my gynecologist who informed me that I'm to undergo an hysterectomy at some point and with Covid going on I'm not sure when πŸ€”so hey ho another 3 months of rest looming at some point and no exercisingπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ

Whoops I forgot to mention that my husky voice is still hanging around πŸ€£πŸ‘ which was caused by that nasty 105 temperature / chest infection I had in January which lasted well on into August. Well yesterday I received anotger letter saying my physiotherapy has been delayed and I'm being referred back to my consultant 🀣

Anyway guys, sorry for all the doom and gloom news but on the good news front, ShropshireLass is still as mad as ever, cooking, baking and helping others behind the scenes! However I could do with you guys kicking my ass into gear on this gained weight front as its not doing my liver any good!

Help I'm screaming from the rafters here🀣🀣🀣

Loads of love from ShropshireLass/FlyingArrow!

Would love to hear from some of the oldies and new members who want to kick my ass 🀣

PS ! Is anyone carving a pumpkin this year? Happy forthcoming Halloween everyone!

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FlyingArrow profile image
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21 Replies
Laura009 profile image

I have sent you a PM re hysterectomy! πŸ˜€πŸ‘

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to Laura009

Hi Laura

I've tried to replyto your lovely message but for some reason its classing you as spam and won't allow me, so will send you a friends request if that's ok?


Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to FlyingArrow

Reply here if you like. Did it privately as its not liver related but under tge circumstances lm sure the trust wont mind ? .... hysterectomy ... yes yes yes ! No ill affects for me at all πŸ˜€πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to Laura009

Hi Laura

Cheers but I'd like too keep what I was going to write private so no problem !-

Take care Trish x

Cobwebs profile image

I would love to carve a pumpkin but it it so far from my artistic remit! Keep safe. xx

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to Cobwebs

Well I'm no expert but I'm going to give it a go! πŸ˜ƒ

Cheers for wee note

Trish x

Welcome back Trish :)

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to

Its nice to be back ! 😘

Hi Trish

You have always been an inspiration to me and always will be . I'm so pleased that we are in touch by phone and I'm honoured to be your friend. I'm sure you will lose the weight that you have put on!! I will be thrilled to bits when I get to the weight that you are now!!

All my love Lynne xxxx β€οΈπŸŒˆπŸ’œ

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to


Thank you for you're lovely message and I'm proud to call you my friend as you've stood by me through my ups and downs these past 10 months which have not been easy.

With regards to your amazing weight loss so far, I'm sure in time you will break whatever target you set yourself with full success and I'll be here at the end of my phone to congratulate you plus your liver will be much happier!

Take care in the meantime ! Brief Waffle over! Joke πŸ™„

Love Trish x

in reply to FlyingArrow

You are very welcome. You have been there for me too and it is so much appreciated.

I've got a long way to go with my weight but I will do it!!

Lots of love Lynne xxxx β€οΈπŸ€—πŸŒˆπŸŒΉ

Janty701 profile image

I know hpw you feel regarding the consultant. A consultant from Addenbrookes called me to ask a favour and told me that she was leaving at the same time. I was in tears. She saw me through all my initial worries about my disease and the transplant listing. She was always there for advice and she went above and beyond too. It really throws you when they move on.

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to Janty701

Its lovely to know that you too understand exactly how I'm feeling re my consultant moving on but I guess that's life and will now have to wait until 2021 to meet her replacement!

Thanks for your lovely note in the meantime x

Bs1524 profile image

Oh what a time you have been having. Re your small prolapse I can empathise with you on that. I probably won’t be carving a pumpkin as that will mean the village children will knock for sweeties and be disappointed as I will have eaten them πŸ™„

Meanwhile consider your ass kicked xxx

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to Bs1524

Well, I was just thinking of puchasing lots of tiny pumpkins that I can carve out and place on my window ledge for the day country lane walkers to admire as I cannot see any children knocking on my door late at night as its a little spooky were I live and there are no street lights!

Cheers for the ass kick which is much appreciated! πŸ‘πŸ˜x

sunnysmile profile image

Consider yourself kicked in the butt lol. You've done it before and can certainly do it again. Stop cooking such fab food - far too hard to refuse. You have started again now so will finish. Onwards and upwards girlfriend :) x


FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to sunnysmile

Hiya G,

Keep that ass kicking coming as I'm 2lbs down πŸ‘πŸ˜

I'm not sure I can give the cooking up but will definitely revisit my healthier cook books as my liver is shouting 'HELP ' πŸ˜‰ feed me more green stuff! 🀣🀣🀣

kyia profile image

Glad to see you can still smile - or is that a big grin - after such a rough time xx

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to kyia

I'm still smiling Kyra ...... 'SEE' 😊😊😊 and promise i'll keep it up even if I get more knock backs!

Here's another πŸ˜›. Do you think others might be interested in joining in as life's a little strange right now for us all and some light hearted fun cannot do any harm!


kyia profile image
kyia in reply to FlyingArrow

Trish, I think we all could do with a little fun and something to uplift us right now xx

FlyingArrow profile image

Your so right Kyia, as almost every day this last few weeks I’ve received sad news and today 2 messages so-far and its only 11.25am! It’s definitely getting tougher!

Hang on in there kiddo!


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