feleinf itchy and weak at the moment can’t go out do things
liver pain and korsakoff and neuropathy - British Liver Trust
liver pain and korsakoff and neuropathy

You have mu deepest sympathy regarding your complaints, I know all to well about the damage that drinking can cause, you've not given much information on how this site and its members can give their thoughts, I know about all those symptoms except I've still got a pretty active brain, which doesn't help trying to get to sleep with neuropathy myself. Obviously the conditions you have must be concerning you, and I don't know if your still drinking, or what damage your liver has ended up with, but hopefully you'll get some more replies and then other's cam guide you during your difficult journey, best of luck!

Dear ok5677,
If you would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays).
We also facilitate a range of virtual support groups for people living with a liver condition (and their families and carers).
If you would find it helpful to speak to others with shared experience, you can register to join a group here:
Best wishes,
British Liver Trust
wondering about liver transplant if i be well enough to it as I need stop smoking .
You are maybe jumping the gun even thinking about transplant as from your posts it doesn't sound like you even yet have a firm diagnosis of cirrhosis. Are you under a hospital consultant?
I know your issues go a long way back and you've had frequent alcohol relapses - I congratulate you if you've gone 4 months this time. I hope you are getting support to help prevent you from relapsing again.
There are many stages to liver transplant assessment and they will thoroughly explire your drinking history, your support network, physical and mental health and like you say your heart and lung health so it would be wise to stop smoking too if there were any potential need for t/p.
At the moment you don't yet have a diagnosis so it's key to get that and get referred for liver care if needed. Staying abstinent is an absolute necessity - any hint of relapse and listing for t/p ceases.
Hello yes I got diagnosed with chrossis yes worried about transplant and my lungs as hard to breathe at the moment I am not dirnking
also lost a lot of wieght and itchy skin and can’t feel being hungry
Are you under a hospital consultant? There is nothing in any of your previous threads to say when you were diagnosed - even in this thread you say you 'think it's cirrhosis'. If you are under a hospital liver consultant they should be able to get you referred to a dietician as you need to have appropriate nutrition to stop you from losing weight and muscle mass and they can prescribe supplementary drinks and feeding (if needed) to get you strong enough for transplant.
When my hubby was assessed for his transplant in January he was put no naso-gastric feeding along with supplement drinks to help build him up. It's important to have 'reserves' or you won't be strong enough if transplant assessment does occur. Hubby lost a stone in weight from his transplant to discharge (18 days) and it demonstrated the importance of the hard work we did beforehand getting him built up.
It sounds very much like you need a thorough medical work up to get your various needs addressed.
I have lost two stones and doctor said I have chorosis just too week to do anything also have korsakoff no appetite and itching I’m waiting for an ultrasound snd more help from doctors
Also too confused and weak
Does your GP not feel you should be in hospital in light of your many symptoms? Have you anyone at home for support? If you don't then you can't be well enough to care for yourself - my hubby was hospitalized late last year with Hepatic Encephalopathy which has similar symptoms and there was no way he could care for himself. Sounds like you need to be in getting good care, tests, nutrition and your liver health situation clarified and side effects treated.
I need help no one caring for me but maybe going to a care home soon then hope for a transplant got itchy and pain too carers be coming in soon help me
guess just waiting to die can’t dress myself
You sound like you need to be in hospital. My hubby couldn't dress, feed or anything and I was nursing him 24/7 for a time. You need support now and I wouldn't let it lie.
I have been trying get support carers meant come see me but don’t know how get stronger for a transplant
also I don’t feel hungry and worried about ascites newr wait for a transplant and an ultrasound
You won't get any where near a transplant unless you are under the care of a liver doctor and all these issues are being addressed - your nutrition, smoking, mental and physical health, diet, strength etc. etc. To get to transplant stage requires continued commitment to your sobriety and you need to get some help with your nutrition - if you can't eat then there are supplement drinks which can be prescribed. You need to be under the care of a dietician to get some help.
Transplant referral is done by your doctor and you can only get onto the waiting list after a very thorough transplant assessment which is done at one of the major t/p hospitals. This assessment looks at all aspects of your health.
My hubby was off his food completely and surviving only on supplementary drinks in the run up to his transplant. He was assessed in January and was seen regularly at clinic and was under the care of a dietician.
Alcohol wasn't an issue in his case but they can only refer you to transplant unit once you are well and truly clear of alcohol.
You still haven't said if you are under the care of a liver doctor or gastro at least at a hospital. You need some big time help and support with all aspects of your life by the sounds of it and I hope your GP is putting something in place, social work may also be able to help.
Thanks I do need not smoking and do need help from social services and a liver doctors and nutritionist I feel in pain not able to eat I will ask gp for a refferals to a liver specialised
Any advice would be helpful
Hi ok5677,
Katie has given you some very good advice and spoken through a lot of the process around being listed for a transplant. Just as she says, at this point we suggest talking this through with your own doctor or health care professional in the first instance. Your situation is one that your own health care professional is best placed to discuss, as only they have access to your medical records and can make the onward referrals you may need.
Best wishes
British Liver Trust