Can anyone help!!: Hi guys. I saw a... - British Liver Trust

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Can anyone help!!

LMor profile image
21 Replies

Hi guys. I saw a wonderful gastroenterologist two weeks ago who run a huge panel of bloods for me. I already have Hashimoto's which is an auto immune disease. Some of the results are positive but I have no idea what they actually mean. I have not heard from my doctor so I assume it's not urgent but I'm wondering if anyone can interpret results.

Thank you in advance

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LMor profile image
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21 Replies
Dulux profile image

Your results should be analysed and information delivered by a trained medical profession who is aware of your case, trying to 2nd guess through having similar results as someone else is going to send your brain into chaos.

People on here can offer advice to help with symptoms but diagnosis is for your medical team.

You can cautiously issue to internet to understand terminology and understand specific levels which are measured, I speak from experience do not attempt diagnosis via google.

LMor profile image
LMor in reply to Dulux

Hi. Thank you for your response. I'm not after a diagnosis, I'm just in need of any help anyone can give. Maybe if someone has had similar results or know what they could mean. That's all. I am a bit worried as I was only diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid four weeks ago so I'm a little concerned.

Dulux profile image
Dulux in reply to LMor

I'm okay with liver function blood tests, but none of that means anything to me.

I had a mechanical obstruction with secondary biliary cirrhosis, so basically was jaundiced, body couldn't handle fats or complex foods, weight loss, fatigue, portal hyper tension which can cause bleeding from veins in stomachs, itching from excess liver by products, there are more symptoms but that's what I experienced, but I have found people experience liver issues in many different ways, I was very ill but managed to work right up to transplant, so some sort of life can be achievable in some circumstances, a positive attitude and good healthy fit lifestyle is a must.

in reply to Dulux


Just wondered if you could help me. I've got Nash with some fibrosis, get pain around liver all the time but worse when I eat, also feel very nauseous after I've eaten. I've started eating little and often but even that has started to hurt. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

Dulux profile image
Dulux in reply to

What me??

in reply to Dulux

Yes, you or anyone who is reading it if you don't mind. Xxxx

Dulux profile image
Dulux in reply to

Although our diagnosis are different there is no question that a healthy diet of non complex foods, e.g. Stuff made at home, not ready meals from the shop, just look at all the rubbish they put in those on the ingredients, stick to basic fats, olive oil and butter, not margarine. Eat small meals and try to identify what works for you, so I ate a lot of cereals, porridge and toast, they didn't upset me too much. Exercise, just do what you can, when you do try and always push a little more, so if you go out for a walk have a distance in mind then next time go a little further or a little quicker, the rest of your body will thank you for it, and it will give you a sense of achievement, don't exercise everyday, rest days are useful, but remain active, it's not an excuse to do nothing. If in doubt stick on a tutu and stick two pencils up your nose and plead insanity!! 😂

in reply to Dulux

Thank you so much. I have started eating little and often and we've been doing healthy eating so I just don't know what to do !! I do quite a bit of walking, pushed myself too far last week and ended up in tears!! It was my own silly fault!! Thank you once again for all your advice xx

Dulux profile image
Dulux in reply to

Push too far and it will bite you back, I used to push all week at work then would lose the weekends which was the time to spend with my family, so got really fed up at work, then cut my hours back to give me a chance at the weekend. You just have to find what works for you, I dabbled with a few things and some worked some back fired! In my case I could try and ease symptoms but my liver was on a one way ticket to destruction, I've seen the pictures from pathology, not pretty.

in reply to Dulux

I've cut down to part time, there's no way I could do full time now!! How are you now?

mrsmerlin profile image


Nobody here is qualified to help interpret your results sorry. We are also discouraged from sharing exact test results again because we aren't qualified but also because the numbers mean different things for different patients. For example with a fibroscan the result is graded according to the onset condition such as alcoholic or two c or fatty liver etc.

If you are particularly worried you can phone your doctors secretary and explain to her. You might get a written report sent through.

Rita x

tgk62 profile image

I would call to speak with someone with your doctor's office or make an appointment for your doctor to go over the results with you. My GE also did the same, & I did not get results until the next visit over a month later. I did get a call with confusing/unclear results from her office & was scheduled for a CT scan. My GE explained on my next visit, my many pages of results as best she could & more testing after that. I already knew I had hypothyroidism, ITP, fatty liver from 2015. GE explained I also might have or be a carrier of Alpha1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Their testing wasn't able to tell what both of my alleles were. So more testing showed I did have Alpha1. That was back in Feb. 2017 & I am STILL waiting on more results from tests they did in July & Aug. Everything seems long and drawn out. Good luck to you.

LMor profile image
LMor in reply to tgk62

Thank you for the advice

AyrshireK profile image

Having already got a diagnosis of one auto-immune disorder it is more than possible that you have others.

I am in no way qualified to interpret medical results however there are some showing as positive on your print out which may or may not relate to auto-immune diseases of the liver - the two being mentioned are Auto Immune Hepatitis (AIH) and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) or now more commonly called Primary Biliary Cholangitis.

Your excellent hepatologist should be on the ball and giving you more feedback on what your results suggest and what the next step will be.

If you haven't already had one then a liver biopsy is likely to be one of the tests they will need to do as to fully establish which auto-immune thing is going on - they need to look at the liver on a cellular level to see which areas of the liver are affected. PBC affects the bile ducts where as AIH affect the hepatocytes (liver cells). Whilst both of these conditions arn't common they are being picked up on more and as I say when you have one Auto-Immune condition it is possible to have others - AIH / PBC crossover also isn't unheard of i.e. having both at the same time.

These conditions are treatable with steriods and long term immune suppressant therapies so if it does turn out to be anything like that doctors can get it under control.

Hope you get answers from your medical team very soon.


LMor profile image
LMor in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you so much. My gastroenterologist just ran a whole panel of bloods when I saw him because of digestive issues I am having. I'm not under a specialist for my liver nor have had any liver problems. I've had kidney issues (stone, duplex kidney and a 9cm cyst on one). Plus I was diagnosed with Hasimotos disease four weeks ago (waiting for an appointment to see a specialist) . I am concerned about those results. Having antibodies means my liver is being attacked. I have learnt that from lots of research for my thyroid. My doctor hasn't rang to speak to me but I definitely need to call them and speak to someone otherwise I will drive myself insane lol. Thank you again for your response. You've been very helpful

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to LMor

Having the antibodies doesn't necessarily mean your liver is under attack - if you had results for ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and that was wildly raised or other liver results were askew then then that might mean your liver was inflamed.

At the moment your auto-immune antibodies are wonky but as you already know you do have an overactive immune system hence your hashimotos diagnosis.

A gastroenterologist is ok and most folks actually only see one of those and hopefully when they recognise they are out of their depth and a liver specialist is needed they refer you on or at least seek second opinions from liver doctors.

I do think you need a follow up appointment to discuss the results with your doctor in order to find out the situation properly and plan for the next stage.

Best wishes.


LMor profile image
LMor in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you again x

Welcome to the forum, we hope you find it a supportive place to visit.

Regarding posting your test results;

Differences in normal range for different laboratories can make it difficult to compare or comment on individual test results specifically. This is due to the different brand of tests that are used and how these are interpreted.

This forum is here to share experiences and provide support to each other and we would advise against posting any test results or asking for specific medical advice. This is not a medical forum and should not be used to try and make diagnoses or replace advice from your own medical practitioners who have a much wider view of your health and test results.

We appreciate how worried you are and hope you can still post with regards to support and information but it is against the rules of our forum to post test results and to ask for specific medical advice,

You may find The British Liver Trust publication on liver disease tests explained useful to read;

However, it really would be best to discuss your test results with your own doctors who know you best,

Best wishes,

BLT Admin

LMor profile image
LMor in reply to

I apologise. On thyroid UK everyone posts their results and I assumed it was the same on all forums. Thank you to everyone who has commented and helped. I know for future reference now not to post results here. Thank you

in reply to LMor

Thanks for your understanding. We hope you find the forum a useful place to visit and you will be well supported here :)

19581979 profile image


I did a similar mistake when I first joined. I still make some mistakes, but I try not to. The main thing is to make use of the site and accept the support of people who have different but similar health issues. I've found their support has really helped me to think about what I need to do to care for my health. It has also helped me over a couple of difficult humps. In return, I try to return the support to other members who may just need a bit of support or someone to share their celebration with. I love celebrating. We are there for each other and that is what is great.


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