Hi everybody! I've been reading through a lot of your messages and I must say you are an amazing bunch people. I've been drinking heavily for almost ten years with a few breaks in between. When I say drinking, I mean knocking back a bottle of vodka or whiskey most week days. If I hadn't spirits I'd drink wine, then pints of beer when out socializing every weekend. In recent years I've experienced white poop on a couple of occasions, itchy skin especially at night, red palms, intermittent pain behind ribs, fatigue and one small spider vein on my cheek. These all cleared up and as of now i feel grand. Anyway, to make a long story short I gave up the bottle three months ago, changed my diet, then went mad cycling 20 km a day...but I'm still terrified I may have hammered my liver too much over the years and got cirrhosis. But the thing is I had an ultrasound this morning and it was completely clear, all bloods are normal also. The sonologist said I showed no signs of damage and if there was scarring it was probably minimal because she can't see it. Frankly, I'm shocked because I expected bad news and now I'm not sure what to do next. Excuse my ignorance, but is it possible to have a clear ultrasound and normal bloods but still have significant liver damage. Would serious liver problems always show up on an US? Do you guys recommend I have a fibroscan?
Cirrhosis with clear Ultrasound and bl... - British Liver Trust
Cirrhosis with clear Ultrasound and bloods?

Wow. Well done in confronting your fears. I hope the change of lifestyle has been as rewarding, if not more so, since your drinking days.
I could be didactic and say, well, you've been very lucky, and the chances of getting a more sinister prognosis is more likely next time. It's fantastic that you are clear at the moment, but my fear would be that there are such heart-breaking stories on this website, of loss, sadness and the trials of going through the results of alcoholism, is that would you want to risk it?
I've had to make the immediate transition of being a moderate drinker with friends, socially, to nothing for the last 10 years. It was tough in the first few months, but after, life becomes clearer. Unfortunately, even without drinking, I had a liver transplant this July, and now feel better than ever.
Those contraindications are very telling and familiar, and my advice would be that only a liver specialist would be best to advice on your condition and liver health.
I hope this helps, and great on finding this forum. I learnt so much over the last 4 years here, and have relied on its messages and information, especially in the darkest days.
Thanks Fishwick and well done on your own journey and great to hear you are doing so well now. I hope to find the same strength for my path ahead.
To be honest I feel better than I have in years but I still have that devil on my shoulder whispering "Go on, just a few drinks lad, what harm now that you are feeling OK" My only regret is that I didn't open my eyes and change my habits years ago. Oh well c'est la vie, I've had my fun and I am where I am.
With all the hardship I put myself through I know I'm lucky to be still alive but find it difficult to believe I haven't caused more damage to myself.
And thank you
Only about 20 per cent of people that drink heavily will end up with liver disease- that is not to say that there will be other negative consequences but I wish government/ NHS would inform people of this fact. We all know the neighbour/ friend/ close relation that has managed to drink for years and has survived well over the recommended guidelines which makes us complacent. I cannot understand why they give me an ultrasound ( every six months-pbc diagnosed) because it does not detect cirrhosis and does not reliably give any indication of how it it is progressing ( relatively inexpensive but only diagnostic of tumours etc. ) . I read a lot of stories on this site where people are reassured understandably by their ultrasound being fine but this is not the case. The good news the liver is an amazing regenerative organ so if you are stressing it give it a break and it will reward you x
Hi Sammie. I hope you are doing good now. I'm never drinking again, famous last words I know but I am genuinely terrified. Here are the results of my US, on paper they look great but something deep inside my gut tells me something is amiss.
Indication: Assess liver.
Findings:: The liver is normal in size and parenchymal echogenicity without focal
parenchymal abnormality.
No intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary dilatation is seen.
No gallstones, gallbladder mural thickening or pericholecystic fluid.
The spleen, pancreas and both kidneys are of normal size and parenchymal echogenicity.
The abdominal aorta is normal in appearance.
No ascites.
Impression: Normal study
That's great you have clear results. After a longer break I would get a fibroscan. Hope you continue to feel well.
Hey Ronin. Thinking of biting the bullet, trying to get an appointment over the next couple of weeks. The clear US and bloods do give me hope, however both my head and heart are telling me I haven't been so lucky to escape unscathed.
Thank you!
Got the fibroscan, Bit too soon perhaps and Im thinking I should have waited longer like you said. I scored a 5.7 which is a relief
That means it's probably fine. If you wait longer it will probably just go down in score more.
Irish7, I'm going through a similar scare with normal labs and ultrasound scheduled for next week. I have many of the same symptoms as you had at one month sober. How long did it take for things to clear up for you?
Hey Gringo. The symptoms didn't all all come at once. They came and went over the years and would last a few weeks or so, some would last less and sometimes more. One of the only symptoms of liver disease I didn't experience was jaundice although it seems everybody is different, some get it and some don't'. The one lingering symptom that I have even now while writing to you is a dull pain beneath the ribs on the right side. Although up until a few months ago it was so bad I couldn't even sleep on my right side. Good luck with your ultrasound, I hope you get good news.
Incase anyone finds this thread in the future I just wanted to give a little update. I had further blood testing and ultrasound done and everything came back normal including INR. I still can't explain the itching or pale stool but will take this as good news and hope the problems clear up soon.
Great news! So happy for you. I second what Ronin suggested re Fibroscan. I had a fibroscan yesterday and scored 5.7 which I'm told is a good indicator of no scarring. Like you, I also had the pale stools and itching, they will pass
Guys just an update on this. I had a fibroscan this morning. Got a score of 7.2 which is borderline F2 but this is after I slipped up and binged over the weekend so it may go down yet. Curious for you all if the operator moved the probe around? For me it felt like once he found the spot he just took 10-17 measurements there.
How is everything now?