Hello guys , I'm sorry to say that my crazy drinking husband died this week after a massive heart attack . He was such a big drinker and there was nothing I could do to stop him I'm afraid , I'm actually devastated , I knew he wasn't strong but in my heart I thought he may stop and we would eventually have some me kind be of life . It wasn't to be , I was mad at him and loved him , rallied at him and despaired of him -
And so it is : Hello guys , I'm sorry to... - British Liver Trust
And so it is

So sorry samosaqueen. It is a very big loss for you and I suppose the way he passed away has left you feeling very sad and lost. I hope the memories you have of you both together will help you through this dark time.
Thinking of you.
It's always sad to hear of the passing of a person, I am sure all our thoughts are with you at this time. Your post on here are such a help to others....x
Deepest sympathies. I hope you have the support of friends and family at this time.
There are no words to really help at this time, even though we may think we are somewhat prepared for a loss of our loved one, it is simply impossible to be completely prepared. Focus on the good times and the many memories made together, sending you condolences from NZ
So sorry to hear your husband passed.... my husband to was a very heavy drinker that also died with a massive heart attack coming up to his 23rd anniversary so sad how this disease is very heard to overcome thoughts and prayers are with you 😢
Sorry to hear of your loss. So sad for you. Warmth sent your way. Xx
Sending lots of love❤❤❤xxx
My love and thoughts are with you at this sad time x
love and peace be with you.
We can't help who we fall in love with,
it sounds like he was his own man, and waked his own path in life, till the last.
Samosaqueen I am so sorry to read your post. RIP hubby x and please find some counselling and ask others to do the mundane paperwork for you. Sending you strength and hugs x
So sorry to hear.xx
Very sorry to hear your news. I hope you find some strength from those around you and those of us that are thinking of you at this terrible time.
Sorry to hear of your loss big hugs. Xx
Very sad time for you. Sending love x
Hi there, sometimes there is nothing you can do, I lost a daughter, not even 40 when she drank herself to death despite every thing we did. Try to lead a life for yourself now. All the best for the future.
Oh I'm so sorry. You must be devastated. :(. Best wishes hun. Xx
so sorry for ur loss
Hello , you guys are so good , my relationship with my husband was stretched so thin for the last year or so , I feel in my heart that he wanted to make the changes , we had a big talk a couple of weeks ago and he started a diet on Monday ( not that he was overweight ) just to lose a few pounds , and wanted to address his drinking . I feel that he may have just done it this time . It didn't happen , he died from a massive heart attack in his sleep on Tuesday morning . I was pretty angry for a couple of days and now I just feel that it was such a waste . I miss him so much . Thanks to all of you for your support , kind wonderful people with good hearts xx
I am SO sorry for your loss. The emotions you are feeling I felt too (my dad passed from cirrhosis in oct). I know it takes time. For me it's been 3 months and my emotions are still up and down. Please take care of yourself. Thinking of you and here for you.
Very sorry for your loss
So sorry for your loss , anger is a part of the grieving process . Remember the person you fell in love with and let that memory give you strength, stay strong.
So sorry for your loss. I have tried everything I can think of to stop significant other drinking to no avail. So I know it is only a matter of time before his next collapse. People have judged me for not being able to stop him - such as - "take away his bank card", "don't take him shopping with you" etc etc. Those people (I won't call them ignorant just ill informed) just don't realise a) it is not possible for you to stop them b) how hard it is to watch someone slowly kill themselves. There is so much prejudice against people who have drug and alcohol problems; that is something I have witnessed first hand; no one goes to sleep one night and decides they will wake up an alcoholic. I know the anger, the despair, the futility of daring to have some hope; So sorry he is no longer with you - I know for all the issues and dramas, I love mine dearly and will miss him massively when his time comes. You don't have to be strong; you have been that whilst he was with you. Just be good to yourself and take each day as it comes. xx
Condolences from us all at The British Liver Trust.
Condolences Samosaqueen-- I'm sure you did all you could to help him and it is a very sad loss for you
There is a time in the future when you will be able to reflect and know that the only person who could have helped him was himself but meantime I hope you have good support around you 💐