Firstly, thank you to all the wonderful community members who took the time to view and respond to my first post. Your insight and experience is much appreciated.
Secondly, I wanted to provide an update. And I’ll commit to keeping this post a little less verbose.
(However, if you’re interested in the whole story, you can see my initial post here:
As I alluded to in that first correspondence, earlier this month I had an upper endoscopy performed. In this case, the gastroenterologist was looking specifically for ulcers and signs of gastritis.
A few days following the procedure, I received word that no ulcers or erosion was seen and the biopsy taken during the EDG tested negative for Helicobacter pylori. In other words, there are no apparent issues with my stomach – which, on the one hand is good news but, on the other, provides no answers as it relates to my right upper quadrant pain.
Likewise, I also had an appointment with a doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation – and this is where things got interesting.
This being my first visit to this particular doctor, I gave him the long version of my story. Afterwards, he reviewed my CT scan with me and reassured me that my liver and other internal organs appear to fine.
Then, he began asking me a series of questions. Some of them were pretty obvious and easy for me to answer e.g. “have you experienced a any trauma to my abdomen?, have you made any significant changes to your level of activity?”, etc. I responded “no” to all these questions. But the question that stood out to me was, “have you ever had shingles”? “Yes”, I replied. “I did have shingles on my right side in 2016”.
This piqued his interest. So, he showed me a dermatome chart and illustrated that my pain was consistent along my right T8 or T9 dermatome.
He further explained that the virus that causes shingles remains dormant in your body and can cause nerve pain, even years after you’ve recovered from the initial illness. And, while he did not use this specific diagnosis, I understand this could be called intercostal neuralgia and might explain some of my symptoms.
And, since there are no tests to confirm this diagnosis, he ultimately prescribed Gabapentin to see if it helps with my pain – I will keep you all posted on my progress on that front.
In the interim, is there anyone else here with a similar experience? In other words, has anyone been down this road before and found thoracic nerve pain to be a satisfactory answer?
Likewise, my gastroenterologists mentioned that, if nothing was found during the EGD, he may want to perform a HIDA scan. But now, after several normal labs, multiple tests, and no digestion issues; I’m starting to doubt that my liver or gallbladder are involved. Has anyone had experience in this area as well?
Thanks again to everyone. I look forward to hearing from you.