Jaycee's Journey - continues - British Liver Trust

British Liver Trust

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Jaycee's Journey - continues

65 Replies

Our poor Jaycee is back in the wars again.

She’s once again back in hospital. She was admitted yet again last Wednesday.

As many of you may know, Jaycee has been suffering with some post-transplant issues. Her body it would appear isn’t making enough white blood cells, and those ones it is making are damaged. She has had a number of blood transfusions but this is just a short-term fix. They are presently awaiting for blood test results to come back where they hope to rule out PTLD : lymphoma-action.org.uk/type...

She is now being scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy on Monday or Tuesday to either rule out, or test for bone cancer. If this is then ruled out, it will then be back to the Royal Free to try and find a different course of anti-rejection medication for her.

Many of you will have been sharing in Jaycee’s transplant journey this year, and will know of her roller coaster journey just to get a liver transplant in the first place. She still remains so grateful and positive, and is, very much a glass half full sort of person, she longs to make a full recovery.

She’s also one fell of a fighting, gutsy lady.

She's able to login to this site, and I know many of you will want to wish her well and a speedy recovery.

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65 Replies
Countrywalks profile image

I hope she gets well soon a loveley lady very brave x

in reply to Countrywalks

Still fighting xx

in reply to

Hi jaycee

Sorry to read that your having to fight your corner again which I'm presuming must be really tough for you right now.

Hopefully the medical team are treating you well and you have some soft pillows to rest your weary head on!

I'm sending you some virtual strength and a hug !

Take care Jaycee

Loads of love Trish ❤

Thanks Richard for making me aware!

LAJ123 profile image


Best wishes and our thoughts are with you.

Jim, Lucy and others from the Royal Free transplant 'family ' X

in reply to LAJ123

😊 thank you

Thank you Richard as you say I am a cup half full kind of girl. So I still wake each day with a grateful heart.

I am sure they will sort this out. Jaycee

Poobear69 profile image
Poobear69 in reply to

Jaycee, in sincerely sorry to hear that you're not doing so good at present. As we all know your full of fight and and I'm shouting that you make s full recovery. x

in reply to Poobear69

Will do ! For sure.

Kate50 profile image
Kate50 in reply to

Life is so unfair sometimes , you have had more than your share of troubles, I hope they find a solution soon and you get a break you really do deserve it, you are an inspiration 💞

in reply to Kate50

No not really Kate. On this site there are so so many going through so much more. People who suffer so much. We are one huge family.

in reply to

Thank you for letting us know

You really are inspiration to us all. Hope they are going to sort you own then . Thinking of you, you are in my thoughts and prayers .ots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

Thank you hope you are ok also xx

in reply to

Thank you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to

Sending you lots of love Jaycee and wishing you a speedy recovery xxxx

in reply to Kate50

No no I am not truly.

The site is inspirational not I.

We all are in the same boat on our journey.

Some are blessed and have a transplant however, we do not all come back in the same boat. Some come back in a speedboat, full health beckons.

Some come back in a rowing boat, journey is a little longer.

Then there are some in same rowing boat but with only one oar.

Finally there are some row boats that have a hole in them too.

Just makes the journey a good bit longer.

This site makes us strong. Those waiting and suffering the support is awesome. The real love you receive is so welcome. This is your chosen family your liver family. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

I in the return boats. Have the strength to bail out the water. Lol 😂

Peter_Plymouth profile image
Peter_Plymouth in reply to

Jaycee - you are always so positive; you remind me how how lucky we are and to always make the most of it even in the face of adversity. I’m sure you boat will be patched soon and you can continue your journey to full recovery.

All the very best - Peter xx

in reply to Peter_Plymouth

Thank you Peter you boat needs a few patches too. We will get home together. We are all strong together.


in reply to

I know this site is fantastic. I've got a good support network and everyone in here so I know I'm lucky . Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

Lynne my friend I am always thinking of you and your on going issues. Your bravery in the face of everything.

You are right of course. We are lucky. To have each other.

Our chosen family.

All of whom understand and support us in good times and bad. I applaud you all. Jaycee

in reply to

- "Safe within the lifeboat, sailor, pull for the shore". Best wishes and lots of love to you.

in reply to

I am in there not ready to go overboard yet lol 😂

in reply to

That's good news! :-)

Cats2018 profile image

I wish you the best Jaycee!

in reply to Cats2018

Thank you Cats xx

P13jne profile image

Thanks Richard, I’ll send her a message xx Jane

Laura009 profile image

Such a lovely lady, very sad she is suffering so much. Sending her love and wish her well xxxx

jojokarak profile image

Hiya jaycee xxx fingers crossed its just the anti rejection tablets I had the same problem a few months post my wbc were none existient and I had to be locked away in a private room for a fortnight....

You keep the positive attitude it helps immensely when we're facing these hurdles.. Love to you 😊 😘😘😘

in reply to jojokarak

Thank you 😊

jazzjam profile image

All the very best, you have come such a long way with positivity. Sending lots of good vibes that they get you sorted and up and at em soon. Speed boat on the horizon 🌻

in reply to jazzjam

Thank you, I assure you I will be there to look for said speedboat dear jazz jam.


davianne profile image

Many thanks for the update on Jaycee, Richard.

Jaycee, you poor girl, what can I say. I thought your recovery was on track, and then to hear of these problems. We all know your a fighter, and will come through this set back.

My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery🙏🙏🙏



in reply to davianne

David my friend how kind, thank you.

I am constantly blown away by the love and support we all receive from everyone here.

Truly a fabulous family.

I say that in truth as one knows you cannot always speak to your real family, the support on here is totally unconditional xxx


davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

Your very welcome Jaycee, you deserve it 😊😊😊 You are right about the differences with "family" here, and our real family who sometimes just don't understand the daily trials and tribulations of liver disease.


Steak profile image

Hi sorry 2 here about jaycee hope they get to the bottom of what's wrong and get it sorted . Best wishes. X

in reply to Steak

Thank you Steak xxx Jaycee

Julie8 profile image

Hi Jaycee hope they can find what’s going on and get the right treatment for you. You encouraged me when I needed it, so hopefully you can feel the same coming back to you x

in reply to Julie8

Thank you Julie feel it for sure xx

Best wishes from us Jaycee

Maggie & Simon

in reply to Waiting-in-wiltshire

Thank you

Kristian profile image

Good luck Jaycee. Hope it gets sorted soon for you.

in reply to Kristian

Me too my friends xx

Mirlo profile image

Bless her, for her bravery and positivity through it all. She is an inspiration. Sending loving and healing thoughts.

in reply to Mirlo

Truly I am not, it is what everyone does on this site that is inspirational xx we are one big family.

Kate50 profile image
Kate50 in reply to

Hi Jaycee , can I just say it’s people like yourself that make the site what it is and regardless of how many times you say you are not, you truly are an inspiration and your positivity has definitely lifted my spirits this weekend, 😘😘

in reply to Kate50

Thank you Kate xx

in reply to

Just a brief note to say I'm thinking about you Jaycee and hope your fighting your corner still.

Love Trish ❤ x

in reply to

Hi Trish, fighting my corner, lol I think I was born with boxing gloves on.

We are nearly at the end of the trail of what has caused this. I am supremely confident it will be the meds. Thank you Trish. Jaycee

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

🤞🤞🤞 Jaycee 👍

Mirlo profile image
Mirlo in reply to

Hi Jaycee, I love this site for the support and sharing of ideas together. It makes others feel not alone. Regardless I still think you are a light in the dark

Thank you x

in reply to Mirlo

Hi there Mirlo, I am now confident that there is going to be an answer very soon. Hopefully I will be back home soon. Thank you for your message.

Yuiop profile image

Hi Jaycee, get those boxing gloves on, and fight like you’ve never fought before.. hugs xxx Agnes xxx

in reply to Yuiop

Gloves on and in constant use xx

Katmando profile image

Sending positive vibes, a huge hug and love ....keep fighting xxx

in reply to Katmando

Thank you Katmando. Hugs and love always welcome and appreciated xxx Jaycee

Melwoods profile image

Sending lots of best wishes and a speedy and safe recovery x

TwinkleToes02 profile image

Thinking of you Jaycee! Sending you tons and tons of healthy + positive vibes! Remember how strong you are and all you've conquered! We are all pulling for you lady! We are all here for you! XoXo

in reply to TwinkleToes02

Twinkle, Awesome thank you. I feel the answer to all this will be soon. Jaycee

Beture47 profile image

Please pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery


in reply to Beture47

Thank you Elizabeth xx

Thank you for sharing this Richard and Jaycee, we send you our very best wishes for a speedy recovery,

Trust1 and all at the Trust

in reply to

Thank you 😊 Jaycee

Adelou profile image

Wishing ypu all the best Jaycee, great team at the Royal Free - remember Dr. Patch likes chocolate buttons & not the small ones 😀 hoping they find out the cause of the problem quickly for you

in reply to Adelou

Yes I remember he said that at the 2000th celebration. I have personally seen him, maybe once at assessment.

Then once on ward. So don’t know him as well as other doctors. However I am not there I am in Bournemouth hospital. The staff here are all awesome.

I am supremely confident the will find the cause. Neutrophils now down to 0.04.


Isabelle2 profile image

We transplantees are a hardy bunch. Hope they find the cause and she’s up and about soon.

Lots of love to her


redpoint72 profile image

I wish you all the best my love,stay strong my best wishes ,chris

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