Liver Cyst: Got results from my MRI scan... - British Liver Trust

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Liver Cyst

Belgium22 profile image
48 Replies

Got results from my MRI scan and it shows that i have small simple liver cyst - 1 cm. I had 4 US during last 4 month and not one showed that cyst.

Is anybody has same expirience? Is not every cyst can see on US?

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Belgium22 profile image
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48 Replies
Bootandall profile image

They saw a hemangioma on my liver, l don't remember the size. Never saw it on us. Said no worries, good enough for me. 😁

Cysts are usually benign. What did your doctor say?

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toBootandall

Doctor says “ it nothing to worry about”, but i just wondering about US, it mean that cysts, tumors in small sizes could be missed?

P.S. I did us in 3 different hospitals. No one saw it.

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toBelgium22

Honestly all I know is, they ordered an MRI for me because I had too much bowel gas to get a good picture of my liver via US.

Wouldn't a tumor be denser and still show up?

in reply toBootandall

I had a thrombosis in the portal vein which couldn’t be seen by several/many US. But a CT scan found it straight away!

Hi Belgium

Great news that your cyst are only small ones which are similar in size to mine! I have multiple in each kidney which have caused no problems since eating healthy!

Good luck my friend

Love Trish x

I think there is a need for caution here not to dismiss a cyst or tumour so easily.

Cyst's and tumours can be dangerous. I certainly would won't to know if that tumour or tumours that I had were either benign or malignant. These little devils won't normally show up on an ultra sound scan or fibroscan. The usual way of finding them is by having a MRI scan with contrast. The contrast is basically a dye. Gadolinium contrast, when injected into the body, improves the quality of the MRI images. This allows the radiologist to provide a written report to the doctor or specialist consultant) to more accurately report on how your liver is working and whether there is any disease or abnormality present.

Once these tumours/cyst's have been discovered, they can be destroyed using a Radio-frequency ablation (RFA), or Microwave Ablation. These tumours have to be of the correct size for this procedure to be used. If the tumours are too small, they will be allowed to grow. The size should be no bigger than 3 cm. This procedure is normally carried out by an anaesthetist, and will involve an over night stay in hospital. At the time this procedure is carried out, a small tissue sample of the tumour will be taken for analysis.

Once these tumours start to grow, they may well keep on appearing. So, regular follow-up checkups are required. Sometimes, (as in my case) a liver transplant is the only viable option.

For further information:

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply to

Hi Richard,

How exactly is ablation carried out? Is it open surgery?

in reply toBootandall

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have mentioned about this procedure on my website at:

I have just found this video on YouTube which might be more helpfull:

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply to

Hiya Richard,

Thanks so much! If I ever develop a tumor this is probably what I'll be getting. I have had prior surgeries.

Mama41 profile image
Mama41 in reply toBootandall

I had ablation a few years ago. It was done through percutaneous.

I stayed in overnight...the ablation site still shows on my scans. Apparently they abated rather a large area but the lesion hasn't come back so I guess it worked :)

You can also have it done at the same time as having open surgery.

Candy12 profile image

I had a slightly raised AFP, the doctors ordered an ultrasound of the liver, that was clear.

When I saw the consultant, I told her I was worried that the ultrasound would not be sensitive enough to detect very early changes. She agreed with me and ordered an MRI with contrast, thankfully that was clear as well. So, I’d say they did the right thing in giving you the MRI.

I’am sure the doctors will monitor you in the future and take the best option for you personally. But do ask them what they intend to do, and question their decision if your not happy with what they say.

Lucky-scar profile image

Morning, I had a growth (Think it was a tumour) show up just after I was put on list. It definitely didn't appear on any us scan, it was discovered on a cv and then on mri. Reading between the lines it did me a favour, when discovered it was 12mm and within a couple of months it had grown to 18mm. When put on list I was given the impression I'd be lucky to be seen in much less than a year, I was lucky to receive transplant in just under 4 months, can't be sure but because an op won't be performed on a liver with a tumour bigger than 50mm I've assumed it might of got me seen sooner.

Hope yours is straight forward to deal with Simon.

Mama41 profile image

Are they going to follow up on it? I wouldnt be too happy to be just told it's probably nothing to worry about.

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toMama41

Scans (u/s, CT or MRI) are usually done every six months to monitor changes. Cysts, and in my case, single hemangiomas, are usually benign. There is no need to worry needlessly.

Tumors are possibly a different matter.

Mama41 profile image
Mama41 in reply toBootandall

I was diagnosed with a 'benign' spot on my liver 11 years ago..turned out to be primary liver cancer,which was only diagnosed 6 months later after I had surgery to remove it.

I had US,CT and MRI so I'm naturally cautious now when a medical professional says it's nothing to worry about...

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toMama41

I had cancer (ovarian) and completely understand how you feel. Glad to hear that you caught yours! I didn't mean to imply it was okay not to do proper follow-ups. Just wanted to reassure Belgium, who sounded concerned that her cyst was initially missed, that cysts are usually benign.

Katmando profile image

Thats good that your cyst is small, apparently a percentage of the population have them and never know. They are often picked up on a scan when they are looking for something else ! I have two large cysts on my liver 8mm&9mm these were found when I went for a US pelvic scan. I was then sent for a MRI scan with contrast and the consultant was happy with the results and told me not to worry, perhaps one day I will need surgery but just to live as healthy as possible. If you are still concerned then speak to your GP who might be able to arrange a follow up to explain and put your mind at rest. If in doubt always get seek advice.

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toKatmando

Yes, i still worry about that. My mri was without contrast, so in my head i think that cyst can be not a cyst after all(( . But 2 doctors are sure that it is just simple cyst.. On 27 june will do again mri scan with contrast .( privat).

Katmando profile image
Katmando in reply toBelgium22

With contrast will show the best views of your liver, will be thinking about you and sending positive vibes to you x

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toKatmando


Dobby17 profile image
Dobby17 in reply toKatmando

I have just seen your post, and was wondering how you was doing . You say two large cysts, but 8mm and 9 mm are really small. I have a cyst and it’s 114 mm. Was interested to see if any surgery was done .

Katmando profile image
Katmando in reply toDobby17

Good morning Dobby, good to hear from you. I had a telephone appointment at the end of Sept ( was to have seen the consultant face to face in June but due to covid it was changed to a telephone call ) Basically they are just going to monitor me and advised if I get pain to contact them direct. Towards the end of last year I was finding it a bit achy to sleep on my right hand side and occasionally an ache in the gallbladder region too. When we went into lockdown in March I started to walk a bit more and cut down on fats and portion size, since then I have lost a stone and found my aches almost gone. I have had the odd ache the last few weeks though ! I think there's a bit of psychology going on as the more I think about it I am sure I am aware of it !!! Anyway, to cut a long story short I am on a mission to loose a bit more weight as I am probably 2 stone over what I should weigh. The consultant said it would be a simple procedure to operate on them but he feels that its best to leave alone and I would know myself if I felt the need to have an operation....sorry for rambling on ! How are you doing ? Hope you are having a good weekend.

Dobby17 profile image
Dobby17 in reply toKatmando

Hi Katmando,

I did reply to your message above but I can’t see it on here, I don’t want to repeat myself so can you confirm if you received it or not ? I’ll type it again if not. Hope you have had a good weekend

Katmando profile image
Katmando in reply toDobby17

Hi, no sorry I didn't get your reply. Weekend okay thanks, though I wish it was the summer 🌞!

Dobby17 profile image
Dobby17 in reply toKatmando

Spooky lol. My question was you say you have 2 large cysts 9mm and 8 mm which are small ? mine is 116 mm and they still say best left until it causes a problem. I am still unsure what procedure is if they decide to do anything as mine is in the Hilum, don’t know if where it is makes any difference, Dr said they only have the one chance to sort it, which has now put me in a state of panic as say it comes back. And I never asked him what does he mean, hopefully he meant with that particular procedure, but there are other ones he can do. I am thinking of ruining his secretary and asking her for more information what he meant, but not sure if she can help. He didn’t seem to want to have to longer conversation over the phone just wanted to say they will monitor and see me in 6 months.

Katmando profile image
Katmando in reply toDobby17

There are probably a few different techniques to use, I have been told my consultant would go for de roofing if he operated. Apparently I have lots of other cysts on my liver, though they are small and was diagnosed with Polycystic liver - its an inherited disease and not preventable. The consultant seemed very happy with the MRI results and more or less told me just to get on with life as normal and they would keep monitoring me. I am very nervous as I really don't want surgery & especially in the current times. If you have any concerns I would write a list and give that to the secretary and hopefully you get some reassurance and answers.

Dobby17 profile image
Dobby17 in reply toKatmando

They say everyone has cysts of some kind don’t they. I am like you am worried you can’t help it can you. The thought of a 4.5 inch cyst sitting in my liver. The hospital had actually discharged me last year it’s because I was admitted with pain they are now going to see me in 6 months. It seems to be a very common thing for them and they won’t do anything unless necessary. They think my bloods went a bit odd and the pain was actually nothing to do with my cyst, but inflammation elsewhere. How often are you being monitored-? I feel better actually talking to someone that understands. Thank you and I’ll will ring secretary and ask, as Drs tend to gloss over things and not realise that you don’t understand. My son says why are you thinking about something that’s not happened yet lol that’s just me. Keep me posted how you are.

Katmando profile image
Katmando in reply toDobby17

Yep I am a worry head too ! I think its understandable when you have something going on inside you and you don't have all the answers. I am being monitored once a year, but have been told to contact them direct if I have any pain. I suppose these consultants have seen far worse than we have and perhaps therefore seem a bit chilled about our conditions. I joined this forum a couple of years ago after my diagnosis and although I don't often get actively involved it has been a real insight to the courage and humour some people have under terrible circumstances. Take care and hope you get some answers that will help you.


Here is the link to our 'Benign tumours and cystic disease of the liver' that may be useful to read;

Best wishes


hairbrain profile image

I was told i had 3 sizable masses on my liver back in 2015, one over 5cm. I went on to have an MRI and was later told i actually had hundreds of tiny cysts, so many they couldn't count.. and a hemangioma... and another they were sure of - after some debate I was told it was an adenoma. I was told the results over the phone and told not to worry and avoid estrogen hormones.. I haven't had any follow up since then .. I guess I trust that they're right as it's over 4 years on and haven't bothered me.

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply tohairbrain

I ❤️ your name haha 👍

Lola50 profile image

Worried after reading some of your replies here, fully understand too why some of you doubt what the medical people tell you as things are missed. Ultrasound a couple of months ago said my liver, pancreas, kidneys, spleen appear normal, but also showed a hemangiomia and some cysts. Radiologist mentioned that cysts are often picked up on ultrasound contrary to what Richard 64 has said. In fact after reading Richard's post he's scared the bejesus out of me! Waited 4 weeks for results to GP, who confirmed no further action was required. Did go back and see another GP who did explain better, eased my mind more.This particular GP had liver cancer so was a bit more knowledgeable about liver problems. There's no way they will send me for a further CT/MRI scan as they put everything down to my anxiety, plus being told they're nothing to worry about. Wishing you the best for your MRI scan Belgium please let us know how you get on. Feel better after reading BLT link on cysts.

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toLola50

Lola, there are different levels of US too, think of prenatal US and how it has improved. I have even had an US with contrast once (unrelated to liver). I think asking questions until you truly understand the answers is the key. l usually repeat my understanding to my consultants, and have been corrected more than once. I would rather be wrong than going home with the wrong idea.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply toBootandall

Bootandall, agree none of us want to be fobbed off, that's why I went back and saw another GP. It's very hard to get GPs to refer you, all about money. I've already paid for other scans because I was worried.

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toLola50

I also will go again for private mri and will pay it myself( i am from holland). It is all about money and even if doctor will be agree to do that again, it will take ages. At the moment i waiting for my biopsy results and it take 28 days!! Never been in such a stress!

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toBelgium22

Is it a liver biopsy?

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toBootandall


Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toBelgium22

I'm a bit confused. Was the biopsy done as a result of the cyst?

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toBootandall

No, biopsy was done because abnormal LFT. Sky hight ggt , alp, ast. Till now, nothing could find. US clear, ( 3 times)fibroscan(2 times) 5,2. With mri came that cyst of 10 mm.. doctor sad, that this is not a problem..

but i an afraid, that cyst is cancerous, there is coming my blood results from. Biopsy was taken not from the place where cyst is.

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toBelgium22

Ah Belgium, try not to worry, a cyst is usually benign & a liver biopsy is the gold standard for purpose of diagnosis! I have cirrhosis and only had one fibroscan, l am under the care of a teaching hospital in America. Besides, until you know what is causing the high liver enzymes, you're not going to be able to make an informed decision in any case. Did they run AFP blood test? Your safety is the healthcare team's highest priority, if something changes you should expect to receive results quickly, a slower response is usually a good sign that nothing is wrong. I suggest you distract yourself with a small project until you hear from them.

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toBootandall

Thank you! I do my best to stay positive and distract myself). At the moment i am in Vegas for few days, so trying to have a bit of fun. AFP blood test they didn t do. I am from Holland and i every time have a feeling that my doctor doesn t find my problem serious. Everytime i hear from him, that it nothing to worry about and we have plenty of time to find the problem.

My ggt raised till 400, alp 320, ast 100.

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toBelgium22

🍒🍒🍒 Have great week! 😀😀😀

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply toBelgium22

Agree very hard to get scans/tests done, they don't seem to care how worried one is, budget NHS unfortunately, GP told me that they have to justify every scan by ticking boxes, no wonder things get missed. The cyst is very small, positive vibes it's nothing serious. Long wait for biopsy, stay positive try not to stress, easier said than done I know. Radiologist told me cysts not uncommon and he sees them from to time on ultrasound. Been back twice to GP, assured me they are benign by their appearance. Thinking I will have to pay for MRI if they won't fund it. Wishing you the best 🤗

Belgium22 profile image
Belgium22 in reply toLola50

Thank you for your reply. Very much hope that it is just a cyst and not something else.

Wishing you the best too🌸

Grank profile image
Grank in reply toLola50

My husband’s HCC was picked up on ultrasound (after a raised AFP). An MRI was ordered within two weeks as per NICE recommendations.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply toGrank

Good to know it was picked up on ultrasound, as according to Richard, cysts and tumours are not always picked up on ultrasound. After reading up on your husband's treatment, I was appalled, hope things have improved for him.🤗

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply toLola50

It is my understanding that tumors are fundamentally different from cysts, and one does not change into the other. Hemangiomas are another thing entirely, however, they are also benign and also seen frequently on scans.

The side discussion of tumors and ablations wasn't really appropriate or necessary here and I apologize for participating in it.

Lola50 profile image
Lola50 in reply toBootandall

Don't apologise, but thanks for replying, you understand what I was trying to say, and I really appreciate that 😀

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