This is my first post, about a year ago I had scans for something unrelated but was found to have a large cyst filled with fluid inside my Liver, the liver specialist told us that it would be better left alone and he did not want to start messing around in my Liver, he said it was 12cm by 12cm the size of his fists together but it would be ok left, I was a little in shock really, but he did say he could see no reason why it would burst/ rupture but if it did I would know about it and would need to get to hospital where it would be dealt with then. I live in fear constantly now, especially as lately I have not had a day go by where I have not felt it throbbing, trying now to cut out fatty unhealthy foods and any alcohol to see if this makes a difference. Not that I eat badly really, I'm 54 years of age go to the gym weekly and aerobics and only drink for social occasions at weekends. Anyone else got a lovely large cyst in their liver please, any tips or tales would be great so I don't feel so alone as I do at the moment.
Feel a little alone on this, anyone el... - British Liver Trust
Feel a little alone on this, anyone else experience same please! Large Liver Cyst inside liver.

First of all my l be the first to welcome you to our little group, hopefully you'll find plenty of support here.
Having a cyst on the liver l think is pretty rare as l don't recall it being mentioned on here before. No doubt some one well correct me though. I personally would be very careful about diet and avoid all alcohol. The reason l say this is to prevent any risk of causing you liver to swell or enlarge, thus causing the liver to stretch. I'm not sure what the contents of this cyst could be, and none of us here are able to advice on this. However, l do find this to be rather interesting.
Please keep us posted on how you get on
Best regards, Richard.

Thank you Richard, appreciate your welcome
You can find information about benign liver cysts on the British Liver Trust website at:- Liver cysts are far from uncommon, my hubby has several in his left lobe which cause no issue although his are tiny in comparison to your 12cm whopper. Most problems with cysts occur when they start to press on and obstruct structures in the liver such as bile duct etc.
Hello, I have 2 liver cysts and I go to a liver specialist as well. He, too, was not real impressed with mine. As long as your liver specialist is seeing you routinely, just follow his recommendations. I have another friend that has had liver cysts for years. What is your liver condition at this time?? Fatty Liver?? Any fibrosis??? etc. They are usually able to tell if the liver cyst is something more suspicious, so I wouldn't worry about the cysts. But talk to your liver doctor about your worry and he'll be able to tell you exactly why he's not worried. You may want to talk to your GP and see if she recommends that you return to the liver specialist since it sounds like it was a year ago for you. It sounds like you have symptoms of something and who knows?? It could be a matter of gallbladder, etc. Talk to your GP and if she feels you need to return to your liver doc, do so. It will help relieve your mind. But a short answer to a long response is that I have several friends that have cysts in their liver, but do try to find out where your throbbing pain is coming from. Good luck.
I like you had a scan for something else and they found what they first thought was a complex cyst on my liver. After a mri scan in September , they have found multiple liver cysts with my largest being 9.5cm . My consultant gave me the option to leave it, or aspiring the cyst or to do a laparoscopic cyst fenestration. As it is very uncomfortable when I sit and throbs a lot and sometimes it feels like my bra is too tight under my boob.i chose to have a laparoscopic cyst fenestration.
I had my pre op in December and am waiting a date for my operation.On my mri scan, it really shocked me how big the cyst looked.
The consultant didn’t seem too bothered about it, but then it’s not his liver that it’s attached to, so I’m just waiting now to have it removed, hopefully they will monitor the others that I have every so often to make sure they don’t grow too big.
It’s hard not to worry about it , I would go back to your consultant and ask what your options are .
Take care
Get a second opinion and a CT scan. The cyst may be originating from somewhere else. It actually could be a GIST as well, (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor) a sarcoma, which is treatable if correctly diagnosed. GIST and Liver growths can go hand in hand. It was also the start of my Dad's complications with his Liver.
I had two cystadenomas in my liver, basically a cyst with a central mass and some growth from the side walls, the consultants never liked it the moment it was found (Kings), my liver function tests were abnormal but stable and not bad enough for transplant. The cysts were impacting on the bile duct, and after a period of being monitored with CT/MRI scans my condition worsened and I was listed and then transplanted.
I never suffered any pain from that area, maybe I was lucky. The cyst was aspirated at the same time I had biopsy of the liver done.
I consider if it hadn't of been impacting the bile duct they would have left alone and just monitored, surgery was discussed but considered too complicated and very risky, so it was a wait for transplant.
Oh dear that is no good for you, my one is just fluid filled and safe unless of course it ruptures. Good luck I wish you well and thank you
Hi, I have polycystic liver disease and have well over 50 cysts on my liver the largest about 12cm. My liver function is not affected by this however my quality of life is. I am currently awaiting a transplant as the liver weights between 10-15kg and I look very pregnant. Unless your cyst is causing you any problems I personally would leave it well alone and just keep up hospital appointments to monitor it. Hope this helps.
My largest is in my left lobe , when I saw it on the mri Scan i was so shocked at the size of it .
I have been told i have cyst o the liver and one is quite large,the consultant is keeping a check on it and is not worried at the moment,but i have had a biopsy done 4 days ago awaiting results.i am changing my lifestyle a bit now,i am tea total but enjoyed eating out well bad choices of food,just want to say dont worry its common for cyst just keep up with appointments with consultant and they will keep check on things.