Another brilliant offer from the BBC.
Another brilliant offer from the BBC.
I expect nothing less from the establishment BBC. Let's explore how pharmaceutical companies exploit patients for financial gain. Consider yourself blessed to live in the UK, where we have the luxury of a subsidised health system and only have to pay a nominal amount for prescribed drugs. I have relatives who live elsewhere in the world where they sometimes have to go without their drugs because of the exorbitant amount they have to pay. For them it's either food or drugs. How'd you like to make THAT decision?
So they look to alternative natural therapies to alleviate their symptoms, some of which actually DO work.
Ask yourself this question: why does science always look to the natural world for substances they can synthesise into pharmeceuticals they can patent, then sell us and profit from? Why have the artificial when you can get it from the natural?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I know I have to rely on drugs to keep me alive... But maybe that was the plan all along.
Rant over.
I agree about the search for solutions in nature but you have also pin pointed the dichotomy.
Science does need to synthesise and patent the substances. They also need to do extensive research and development to ensure that not only do the substances work, in the fashion required, but also need to be done safely. To put the fact rather bluntly, there is no point in biting the hand that feeds.
Including the required clinical trials, it takes 6-7 years and about £2 billion to bring a successful drug to market.
I think that we are all reassured that the medication that we require, is safe to take.
We are also extremely fortunate in our country to have this subsidised by the taxpayers.