2 Gallstones - should they be removed? - British Liver Trust

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2 Gallstones - should they be removed?

Galll profile image
45 Replies

Hi everyone.

I had the ultrasound scan to try a diagnose why I have a intermittent pain on the Left side upper abdominal under rib and left side mid back which is not triggered after food but usually when sitting on a desk or driving too long.

I had a ultrasound scan yesterday and they located 2 Gallstones (2cm and 1/2cm).

When I read up about Gallstones they usually cause extreme pain on the right side and not in my case the left side so not sure if my pains are due to the Gallstones. Also my pains are more a of painful pick sensation and relived by lying down or standing up.

However I do feel nausea sometimes but not sure if that’s caused my the Gallstones?

Do you think I should remove the 2 Gallstones to rule that out?


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45 Replies


I had my gallbladder removed in October 2016 due to multiple gallstones which were about to overflow !!! Lol ! Emergency operation happened and I'm fully recovered.

Only your consultant can advise on whether your gallbladder is to be removed, I do suggest however not eating any fatty or greasy foods in the meantime as this can cause your nausea and pains to increase. I lived with my gallstones for numerous years before being removed which was an error due to original ultra sound report went missing!

I wish you all the best but try not to panic and take advice from your GP .

Take care in the meantime


Galll profile image
Galll in reply to

Hi Trish, I assume your pains were only in the right side? Did you have any attacks or just nausea? The funny thing for me now is eating makes the nausea go - thanks

in reply toGalll


My pains were mainly on the right but also in my back at the later stages.

To be honest my pains were there most of the time as I had numerous stones for years!

What exactly is your consultant or GP advising you?


Galll profile image
Galll in reply to

Hi I only had the scan yesterday and they said will be sent to GP in a weeks time - so no consultation yet and just googling learning more

in reply toGalll

Please try not to stress out ! If you are informed you must have the operation I guess it maybe by key hole surgery which is the most popular procedure these days.

Its only a day procedure and you'll be sent home to recover for a week or two.

Unfortunately I was very sick afterwards even with pre anti sickness drugs!, Hey ho on the point as I'm always like that!

I have three other friends who've had the operation who are all fine! However if you eat fatty or greasy foods after the operation it could cause issues later !

Take care and rest now

Love Trish ! My three tiny scares have almost disappeared!

Galll profile image
Galll in reply to

Hi I think it’s the waiting to see the GP in a weeks time that’s stressing me a bit. Like with only 2 stones then do I still need surgery? It’s reassuring to hear many have had it done without issues 🙏

in reply toGalll

Hi again,

I actually know how your feeling as it's only human to be concerned about our bodies! Feel free to PM if you need to chat privately.

Please try not to worry to much .


in reply toGalll


I had mine out in October 85 when I was 20 due to multiple stones, it was open surgery back then. I'm sure you will be fine, please try to not worry so much, I know this is hard. Love and hugs Lynne y

Galll profile image
Galll in reply to

Thanks that’s reassuring as if needed then this will be my 1st surgery at 51

in reply toGalll

You've done really well not needing surgery until the age of 51, I was 20!!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

Blummin heck Lynne 20! You we're young! I was 64 and living to fight another battle whatever it may be 🤣🤣🤣. Lol x

in reply to

Yes, it was a bit of a shock !! My gall bladder pain was on a par with the pain I get round my liver, in fact is say the liver one is more painful!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

Sorry to hear you had this problem at such a young age! !

Trish x

in reply to

Thank you!! My Dad always said we didn't make a very good job of your insides did we our Lynne!!My Mum stood there wondering what he would come out with next!!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

We could have a competition to see who was the youngest to have an op and who was the oldest. First op only count for the latter of course!

So far it’s


Lynne - 20


Trishi - 64

I reckon Lynne’s record might be beaten!

Milo Pilo

Lindc profile image
Lindc in reply toThreeSmiles

Well, I can beat Trish! I was 72. My pain was right in the middle, just below the breast bone. So sharp I was convinced it was a heart attack. Laparoscopic op and no problems after. (Apart from the fact that the surgeon just happened to notice that I had cirrhosis while he was rummaging around inside.) That was 15 months ago and still compensated, thank goodness. Linda

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply toLindc

Lol Linda! Was that your first op ever though?

Glad that’s been fixed - gall bladder removal?

Also glad that you are still compensated - long may it continue to be so 👍


Lindc profile image
Lindc in reply toThreeSmiles

Hi Miles, wish it had been my first op! Cervical cancer at 38, ruptured appendix at 71 and, yes, the sludgy gall bladder was removed. The size of my belly belies the emptiness therein! Linda x

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply toLindc

Golly that’s an unfortunate list of ops indeed ☹️.

So glad that you are going strong now - well I hope you are!

My little competition was to find the person who had had their FIRST op when they were older than anyone else ☹️. I know it’s a bit shallow but was meant to be a bit of fun.....🤔

in reply toThreeSmiles

Does having your tonsils out at 3 count???? I do remember being fed lots of ice cream 😁😁😁😁👍👍👍


I'm presuming I lost ....

Jeanb47 profile image
Jeanb47 in reply toThreeSmiles

Lynne beat me. I had my gallbladder surgery at age 23. 1 month after the birth of my son( by Caesarean) not hard to remember that when because of that.

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply toJeanb47

Thx jean 👍. Still pretty young and so soon after giving birth!!

in reply toJeanb47


That must have been hard after giving birth. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

DHCD profile image
DHCD in reply toGalll

Hi Galll how are you doing?

I’m due my op next week and I’m feeling anxious 😥 it doesn’t help having anxiety too 😔 x

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toDHCD

Hi DHCD, the NHS doctor refused to treat me as I have no symptoms and I also found out I have a fatty liver. I feel like I'm living with a ticking time bomb which is making me anxious

At least you will be all well after next week.

How come you are anxious? Is this your 1st op? I am anxious as I never had an op. On the flip side is my parents have had many ops and are never anxious and my mum had her gallbladder removed a few years back and which no probs

Good luck and don't worry 👍

DHCD profile image
DHCD in reply toGalll

I’m just an anxious person in general 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

Apparently I have a fat pocket on my liver... but they said that would go if I start eating and exercising regularly.

It’s strange because I have good and bad days/weeks I’m never in chronic pain but I have like a belly ache sometimes for days and a ache in my side which can sometimes be painful round my back but not as bad as some of the stories I hear!

But iv waited a while and I’m just thinking same as you it’s there so I’m guessing it’ll only get worse over time which could cause more problems so just do it now.

Glad your mums ok.

So u have no symptoms then?

How did they find gallstones?

Thank you for making me feel better x

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toDHCD

Glad you feel better and I hope someone will make me feel better when it's my turn as I am a real scaredy cat 😄

My parents seems to welcome ops, I'm thinking are they really that brave or maybe they just love the attention and family fussing over them 😬

Which side is your pains? I guess right? Mine is on the left and they think muscle related as triggered by certain postures. So when they were scanning around they found my gallstones and fatty liver.

However I do have some mild acid reflux and Nausa sometime which might be caused by the gallstone but until I have an attack they say nothing they can do. Yikes as I heard the attacks are more painful than labour! And I am a man 🙈

DHCD profile image
DHCD in reply toGalll

Tbh my attacks are not painful more uncomfortable like aches and I get odd acid attacks but if I eat something u would expect it from. I get aches and literally feels like a stone is stuck in my right but iv also got this horrible like burning bellyache a lot right smack on center middle of ribs and low so (stomach) and I get jiggly pains in my right side too they said you can get pains all round my friend did she had pains bad all round... so I’m guessing the right side u can too.

It’s hard cause I’m reading good and bad stories which I probably just shouldn’t as it’s making me feel bit worse now.

Your mum and dad are brave! Maybe they do like the attention then! 😂

Have u heard anymore about yours?

Yeah attacks can be real bad my friend said.

Mine aren’t but my concern was will they get worse which I guess that they will as they’re not gonna get better are they!

So I just decided better to sort now no point waiting for it to get bad so I’m booked in next week iv been waiting 18months now xx

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toDHCD

Usually people I read that have gone for the op have had painful attacks.

How many gallstones stones and what sizes you have? I just have 2 (2cm and 0.5cm)

Have you tried changing your diet and herbs like Quebra Pedra ?

DHCD profile image
DHCD in reply toGalll

I have 3 medium stones no idea what sizes!

Iv tried to find out what makes me worse but no idea tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s hard to know what to do...

my sister in law had hers out and she’s fine and my friend had hers out she said she was bad but fine now.

I just don’t want to wait for it to get worse as the consultant says they don’t get better.. so🤷🏻‍♀️ X

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toDHCD

If you can't control the symptoms then I would agree to have them out as why be in pain or uncomfortable most of the time..... I guess if you had a full Blown attack (like my mum had and others ) then it will defiantly 100% helps to make your mind up as you don't want that attack to happen again!

With my 2 stones I guess I will be similar to you soon.

Like now I sometimes have a very slight little nasua and acid (weird taste in back of mouth) in the mornings, I just now make sure I don't over eat now which helps.

Is that how yours started and progressed from there?

DHCD profile image
DHCD in reply toGalll

Yes I got acid a lot this plus over last few years and a dull ache on right side..and went docs he said could be ulcer but let’s scan see.

Scan said liver functioning high 🤷🏻‍♀️ And 3 gallstones found so he said heathy diet that’s it... so months later still ache and started getting like the feeing a stone was stuck In my side funnily enough!

That comes and goes like the ache and iv had about 6 times when it’s bad like really uncomfortable and all round spasms on back.. but never strong pain. I get the stomach like a mild burning feeing a lot of the time..

But I know they just don’t go on there own so I’m thinking just go have surgery so it doesn’t cause me future problems.. As I know this is prob only gonna get worse over time! Yes also I get the odd day where I’m nauseous too 🙈

Iv heard a lot of really positive stories but I’m struggling with the negatives. X

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toDHCD

Well I have 2 Gallstones so thanks for the heads up if I get 3 🤪

My pains is all on the left so GP referring me to see a physio.

Yes plenty of good stories we have the people in this chat thread, people you know and my mum and to add my grandmother had it too and I remember her showing off her stones in jar (miss her). Also my mums friend has had it done for 20 years and still all well. Keep us posted after your op 👍👍👍

Roy1955 profile image

My last 4 ultrasounds all showed gallstones and my consultant says leave them alone.

He says almost everyone has them.

IF they cause problems ( he says those symptoms become very obvious) then he would do something about it.

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toRoy1955

Hi that’s interesting to know. Do you know if they are large or small? I have one that is 2cm and not sure if that is considered large.

Also do you have any symptoms?

Roy1955 profile image
Roy1955 in reply toGalll

No symptoms at all.

Mine are about 1cm

Apparently it's the small ones and what they call sludge that cause problems because they can move into the bile duct, the big ones just sit there with a smile on their faces!

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toRoy1955

My symptoms are all on the left side so probably need more investigation.

In you last 4 scans have they stayed the same size or have they grown?

My 2cm one must have been sitting there smiling for a long time as they twice the size of yours (I just have the 2 stones)

in reply toRoy1955


Mine were lots of little ones. Take care of yourself Lynne

Cat-B profile image

Is your dr recommending the op? I’d go with what they say. I had my gallbladder bladder removed due to severe pain, which they couldn’t give me any pain killers for, It all done in a day and healed up in about 7-10 days, so I say yes, but they need to rule out another cause. Good luck.

Galll profile image
Galll in reply toCat-B

Yes I want to make sure the pain on my left is not caused by something else, I seem to be able to eat ok and pain on the left is triggered by certain postures. Waiting for the scans to be sent to my GP in a weeks time so then will be able to speak to the GP for the next steps.


How are you feeling at the moment?

Galll profile image
Galll in reply to

Not in any pain at the moment as avoiding the posture positions that trigger the pain in my left side but I am feeling anxious after finding out about the Gallstones and waiting to see the GP thanks for asking

in reply toGalll

You are welcome. Please take care of yourself. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx


Here is our information on gallstones;


We would suggest to discuss your queries with your GP.

Best wishes


Galll profile image
Galll in reply to

Thanks Trust1, I have read that there are medication that can dissolve Gallstones called Ursodiol, is that medication used often in the UK?

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