Should I be worried?: Ok so I’m so sorry... - British Liver Trust

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Should I be worried?

Hayleywayley profile image
29 Replies

Ok so I’m so sorry if I’m being silly and being over worried, but I can’t seem to shake the nerves, so two weeks ago I had a blood test and they came back with everything Normal apart from ALT which was 155 so I was petrified, I had more bloods done Friday and went to the doctors yesterday and the ALT has come down to 99 which I know is a lot for two weeks and I feel like I should be happy, but I’m just still so worried that they’re high, I had an ultrasound in jan that came back normal, but I feel like I’m getting very dull pains under my right rib and my no.2’s are pale brown/yellow (so sorry for detail) and I’m bloated, anyway am I just being paranoid or could there possibly be something there like early stages of something? I’m not asking for a diagnosis at all, I suppose just a bit of advice as I feel like I’m being silly, I’m not over weight I’m just slim and I don’t drink, thank you

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Hayleywayley profile image
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29 Replies
Hayleywayley profile image

The doctor said it’s nothing to worry about, but iv read a lot that doctors tend to dismiss low elevations which can lead to problems in the future

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Hayleywayley

Just ask your GP to monitor you levels, if they have told you there is nothing wrong then monitoring is the only option.

All my liver enzymes have been high, very high, for over ten years and no cause has been found, I accept that so just keep an eye on levels.

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to bantam12

Thank you for your reply :) and yes they are being monitored because he saw how worried I was so I’m having another blood test in a month

jojokarak profile image

It sounds like nothing concerning especially with such a big drop in 2 weeks you could of just been fighting an infection if nothing else is elevated it's fine 😊 and sometimes our brains and eyes can deceive us especially when we're panicking about something (stools)

M8118 profile image

Any other blood work? ALT stand-alone can only ever tell you so much.

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to M8118

Yes iv has quite a lot but everything is coming back normal it’s only ALT that’s elevated

M8118 profile image

I had elevated alt and ast for years with no other lab issues and was just put in a monitoring pattern. It was after they never went down that doctor finally wanted to pursue more. But it seems like it’s not uncommon for there to be blips.

As for symptoms, I know the worry about a lab number can lead to a little anxiety induce pain. Hard to separate sometimes.

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to M8118

Oh gosh really? May I ask if you were ever diagnosed with anything? And my ALT has been elevated since the end of November as far as I know, but they’re improving every time I go back, and yes it’s hard to tell if I’m imagining it or if the symptoms are to be concerned about.

M8118 profile image

After two years of elevated LFTs, I had an ultrasound that suggested a non alcoholic fatty liver. I don’t drink. Don’t smoke. Am closer to underweight than over. No diabetes. Etc etc etc.

The doctor then thought best to have mri to ensure no fibrosis. That actually came back showing no fatty liver or other abnormalities.

While I originally had some stomach pain, at the point of mri I felt fine. So we decided to monitor levels again.

About two year later I had regular physical. I had been having some vague stomach pain again and was sleeping horribly. LFTs came back high again and doctor thought time for biopsy.

Biopsy came back with extremely rare diagnosis of oblitertive portal Venopathy. More or less a blood flow issue to liver of unknown cause. That’s where I am now, and with increasing pain and fatigue. Unfortunately it’s nothing treatable and no one can give a prognosis. Ultimately portal hypertension related issues like varices and ascites can develop even without cirrhosis.

Hayleywayley profile image

Oh my gosh really that sounds ever so scary, So did the elevated results never come down at all over all of that time? Were they very high or mildly elevated?I’m so sorry to here that you’re in pain and can’t be treated that must be hard to hear I hope there’s something that can eventually make you feel a little better!

M8118 profile image

I’m just sort of taking it as it comes. Tomorrow I’ll hear if there is some blood coagulation issue or clots (from ultrasound). If both are negative, it’s wait and see. Unfortunately I can’t make any lifestyle changes like eating better, exercising or not using any substances, because that’s how I’ve always been - but better sleep and less stress are my focus.

As for my LFTs, my AST has basically been about 2x normal forever with very little change. My ALT has actually fallen in range about 1/3 of the times tested. Worst levels for both were about 3x normal - so bad but certainly not horrible.

Did your doctor do a GGT, that is a better indicator. you have to ask for that test because it is not part of the regular LFT's. If he refuses to do it, it is very cheap just have it done privately. My father-in-law just had one done and now waiting for the results.

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to

Oh right ok, I’m not sure? What’s a GGT test for?

it is a better indicator if you have liver problems.Can i ask if you drink alcohol? My F-I-L had it done because he is a wine drinker but he has stopped cold turkey without any problems.

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to

Oh right ok! I’ll have to have a look at my result sheet again, and no I don’t drink I haven’t for over three months and didn’t drink a whole lot before then anyway :)

I am sure your doctor didn't order the GGT because it is not part of the panel.There are many things that can cause high ALT, good that you don't drink alcohol to excess. There are several lab results you can look at...bilirubin..AST/ALT..Albumin and total protein. I have learned a lot in the last couple of months about these test and their meanings.

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to

Yes I honestly can’t remember what’s on the sheet haha! I know I’m already telling myself the worst outcome and I’m so scared and yea iv had all of those aswell but they’re all normal it’s only ALT that elevated

You ALT level does not seem massively high and as people have said, it can be elevated due to an infection. I have an auto-immune liver problem and when I was diagnosed, my ALT was around ~1000. (But I must add that lots of my other blood results were massively elevated too) I understand that the ALT being elevated at all is concerning for you, but please try to trust the doctors. They seem to be taking your concerns on board and have not dismissed your worries and are monitoring you. The fact that your other results are normal must be a relief.

The GGT test is a non-specific indicator (meaning that it only suggests liver problems, but not the precise cause of the liver problem) and according to what I have read, used when trying to determine alcohol misuse. It is used to try and determine whether the problem is down to the liver or bone disease amongst other things.

Please take comfort in the fact that the ALT is coming down on its own and is the only thing raised. Not only that, but your doctors are looking out for you, which is great.

All the very best and I hope you get the answers you want soon :)

Hayleywayley profile image

Yea iv heard about it due to infection which could make sense as all of my lymph nodes in my tummy area and groin are raised and have been for the past two months which is strange, an oh gosh really? I hop you’re ok! And yes it’s concerning me as iv read that even slightly high alt could be cirrhosis etc...

yes they’re going to monitor it but I will maybe suggest GGT at my next appointment, I hope they just keep coming down and stay down.

Thank you so much and yes fingers crossed☺️

J3ff24 profile image

Hi Hayley,

I too had a high level of ALT and my #2’s are mostly like yours too (sorry guys about the details) Was it still the same up until now for you? I know your last post for this was a month ago. Have you had your Gallbladder checked? Has anyone else here had a high level of ALT? I would appreciate any replies from you guys.

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to J3ff24


Oh really? And my last blood test showed all LFT’s normal, this was last week, so my ALT has been high for 4 months, the issue I’m having now is I think I’m having liver pain which is worrying me even though my alt is back normal, and the only thing iv had is an ultrasound that was in January but I really want it checking further.

J3ff24 profile image
J3ff24 in reply to Hayleywayley

That’s good that it gradually went back to normal. Have you been tested every month for it? So have still experiencing yellowish stool color? If the LFT’s are normal now it could be your gallbladder if it hurts on the upper right side. Was it painful? That radiates to the back?

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to J3ff24

Yes well it actually fluctuated so it went from high in nov then lower then high again, then lower then normal, so I’m not sure if that’s very good😕 and yes not too yellow though mainly pale brown and sometimes orangey (so sorry for details) and the pain is mainly dull and it comes and goes and it can be felt in my back too. Have you been tested for anything yet?

J3ff24 profile image

No, you’re fine. I love it when people gets detailed about health issues like this ;) Yes, i have been diagnosed of Gallstones October of last year. I had routine bloodworks done last friday and there i had a elevated ALT. I have yet to be checked again by tomorrow. So your’s fluctuated..i see..well at least it didn’t really went bad althrough out. I read that if it gradually gets higher then that’s gonna be really a concern. It went down to normal so that’s good. Liver heals or regenerate itself unless it’s really scarred already. Did the doctor said anything why it was elevated? Have you done any diet changes while on LFT tests?

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to J3ff24

Haha, ooooh right ok that’s interesting, yes they did so I’m worried that my next blood test will show them higher again😕 I really hope that’s the case and it isn’t already too damaged the ultrasound I had in jan was all normal so that’s a positive.

No the doctor didn’t say anything other than a virus but she wrote to my consultant at the hospital because she didn’t know why they would have fluctuated, and iv definitely been eating better than I was last year more healthy, but I do have naughty food on occasion as the doctor said I didn’t need to watch what I was eating, just don’t drink alcohol🤷🏼‍♀️

J3ff24 profile image

Hi There again, how’s everything going? I just want to ask have you been tested for hepatitis?

Hayleywayley profile image
Hayleywayley in reply to J3ff24

Hi again, not too bad thank you I have a fibroscan the end of may through NHS as the hospital I’m under has one, and yes I have, bloods came back negative for hepatitis, hope all is well.

J3ff24 profile image

Hello. I’m ok myself. What’s the fibroscan for? Are they still on the look out for your liver? How long have you waited for your hepa results? I have been waiting for my results. Thank you again for the reply 😊

J3ff24 profile image

Hi Hayley, hello everyone. How was your fibroscan result? Did everything went back to normal? No other new symptoms occur?

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