Hi all .. I am new to this site looking for some thoughts. I am 39 years old and enjoyed drinking to much at times .. most of the drinking was on the weekend parties and so on but clearly binge drinking. I would say 1 year about I started feeling a sharp pain the middle of my rib cage , sometimes like a burning feeling . So I went multiple times to my gp he draw tons of blood everything was normal . He sent me for a emergency cat scan of my tummy nothing came up abnormal . I pushed the issues and was sent to a dr who performed more blood tests still normal. I then had a edoscopy and colonoscopy nothing was found . I took anpacease elastase test also normal . The dr things it’s a radiating pain from a old back surgery I just find that odd : my concern is it could be related to my liver . I don’t have any other obvious symptoms just after I drink my stool is a lighter color for a day or 2 . Would there be any reason for me to further push the issue ? Could this be unrelated to liver ? Or should I see a different dr ?