I finally got the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis a few weeks ago after numerous tests, scans and liver biopsy. The liver consultant was keen to start me on steroids and immunosupprants but as I've previously had issues with steroids I wasn't keen. He arranged for me to see a specialist pharmacist who would prescribe the meds and oversee my blood results. I saw her last week and asked her if I had to take the steroids as my bloods are almost normal. She arranged a meeting with the liver consultant and my hepatologist and explained my concerns. The hepatologist said that as my bloods were almost normal they wouldn't be able to tell if the steroids and immunosupprants were actually working. He said that as there was very little inflammation they were happy to watch and wait. I will have bloods done in 3 weeks to see if anything has changed.
Although I'm pleased that I don't have to take aza which is a scary drug I'm also in sooo much pain. I have black circles under my eyes and my thigh muscles and shoulders are really weak and sore. Katie....I know you are very clued up about AIH so I'm hoping you can give me some suggestions. Apololgies for the lengthy post. Deb