could anyone help my daughter has liver cirrhosis due to alcohol when she went for her last scan she had her bloods done he said they were slightly better he said when she was due again for her scan he wouldn’t do her bloods as he said if they were better she might drink more surly they should be done to every 6 months
blood test : could anyone help my... - British Liver Trust
blood test

I had mine done every 6 months at first as they got worse it was every six weeks surly they can not stop taking bloods in case they improve just in case she drinks more iv never heard of that before i would question it and make sure they take blood they are important for them to have good luck
That certainly doesn’t sound correct. Bloods are done every six months. There are two reasons for this - AFP as an indicator of liver cancer and full bloods/LFTs to check on the condition of the liver. These are supplemented by a scan to check on both every six months. She should have an endoscopy every year (if varices are present) or every two if varices are not present. She shouldn’t be drinking with cirrhosis-which medical staff will continue to reinforce but withholding tests in case she drinks is ridiculous.

If you are in the UK and would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
You said she "might drink more" do you mean she is still drinking?That could be why the Dr is worried that an improved blood test might give her the green light to carry on drinking.
Yes unfortunately she is still drinking she’s doing a reduction because she has withdrawal sezuires
A medical detox would prevent that and her Dr would have already suggested it. Her only chance is to quit but like a lot of us she is looking for the excuse not to.
Us alcohol abusers grasp any excuse why we can't give up and are very good at making our loved ones believe us.
Yes I don’t think she wants to give up
I can sympathise with this. It was during my cutting back to prevent seizures that my symptoms of cirrhosis appeared. Looking back at it.
I needed a drink just to get out of bed in the end.
It was quite simply put to me. Stop now or your dead In a few months.
I was monitored in hospital with meds. Never drank since ( 9 months ago) Hearing my cirrhosis diagnosis was enough, I spent years saying tomorrow.
There is no tomorrow with this diagnosis if she continues to drink. Only action now will prevent further damage.
In all honesty I was not ready to stop, would have loved the news off one more day. But…….. is it worth your life.
Hopefully your daughter can see the reality which is difficult when battling an addiction, Any excuse will be used to justify still drinking.
I suffered seizures lots ov them!!!!!! It nearly killed me n was very scary. Finally gave up alcohol nearly a year now. It is still very tuff but can only hope my health gets better n I smile more!🙃 don't quit on ya sen!!
Having the blood test done again isn’t going to be a problem. The problem is how they communicate the results to the patient.
A person who has an alcohol problem doesn’t need much of an excuse to start drinking again. So it’s important to get the right message across.
I was once in a similar condition back in 2014. My GP back then got me to submit to a liver function test the results came back looking very poorly. I was asked to stop drinking for 8 weeks and the blood test was repeated. This time I was told that my liver was looking better.
I foolishly took this as a sign I could go back to my old ways and start drinking again. The GP should have said, that the liver blood tests were a lot better, but the liver was still working, but struggling.
I went back to my old lifestyle of drinking heavily every three weeks and going on a bender. Four months later I found myself in the hospital after suffering a variceal bleed.
That variceal bleed was my wakeup call and I’ve not drunk any alcohol since. Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind. Getting that message across is so important. A person needs to know that their liver is now struggling to carry out those 500 different functions due to the buildup of scar tissues.
It needs to be spelt out that this is now a make-or-break situation. It’s time to make some long hard choices. Do they want to live or die? It’s going to take a lot of hard decision-making, and it has to be THEIR decision. Support and encouragement are needed. Also, a positive attitude towards their life and the future is needed.
When I was in hospital getting over that bleed, I looked back on my life and wondered how it all came to this. I sort of psychoanalysed my life and realised where things had gone wrong. I then asked myself a simple question, “This is what’s broken, now, what are you going to do to make it right?” This gave me a challenge, and the ambition and determination to want to change things. It was my wake-up call.
Many people need an ambition, something in their life needs to change, Their lifestyle for one, but also to develop a new sense of direction and purpose. I see from your previous post that your daughter is only 30 years old.
There is a need for children to be educated about the dangers of alcohol. Many children think that liver cirrhosis is something that only old people get. I’ve been wanting to start a campaign working with NACOA: to reach out to young children in schools, offer them support and warn them of the dangers of alcohol from a young age.
It takes 21 years for a liver to fully develop. Children as young as 12 are already drinking alcohol. Your daughter could use her experiences to educate others about the dangers. It would give her a sense of purpose and a chance to make a difference. Help turn a negative into a positive.
If it would be easier, please feel free to message me privately.
Best Wishes
Any information on before n after TIPs procedure? I due 1 any time I think n kinda hope. Still worried as have shit hospital staff n there up n down like my blood levels. Diuretics keep being stoped n started n have hernia like a speed hump down center ov abdomen! Any advice greatly help. Jamie
Great reply. Sometimes you have to get to the very bottom to realise what’s happening. I watched a young woman in the next hospital bed die to fully understand what this nasty toxic evil substance was doing to me and my poor family. Three years later and not a drop of poison has entered my body since that experience . My liver is completely healthy now. Agree, education needed from a very early age. Alcohol is worse than heroin to quit according to my gastroenterologist