Liver biopsy: I saw the consultant... - British Liver Trust

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Liver biopsy

GrandmaDylan profile image
9 Replies

I saw the consultant hepatologist yesterday with my youngest daughter just before I went for a gastroscopy to look at an ulcer in my small bowel. The hepatologist explained that it is difficult to make a diagnosis of AIH and various symptoms and tests are needed. He mentioned NASH as well but he said people with nash don't tend to have anything like the number of spider naevie I have, my upper body is virtually covered with them. I said about my concerns with the steroids and the effect they had on my diabetes last time. He said I would be on them no longer than 4 weeks. Then start AZ. He wants to do a liver biopsy but wants to discuss it with a colleague whether to do it trans jugular or through the abdomen. He seemed surprised that I was so well informed. I told him that I had read everything I could on the British liver trust website. I asked him which way he was veering between nash and aih and he said aih.

I then went for my gastroscopy ( a different consultant, more interested in my bleeding ulcer) I was given a letter for my gp to start me on beta blockers and a report on the findings. I have early varices which was a shock as I'd had a gastroscopy in july which showed no varices. My youngest daughter who is 28 did a bio medical degree and now works as a senior scientists for big pharma is absolutely distraught and scared for me. We have always had a difficult relationship, I was her verbal punchbag when she was younger. She had an eating disorder which was horrendous but at the same time I am incredibly important to her and the thought of me not being around or being really poorly frightens her to death. I've told her that I am going to be very closely monitored and that if I hadn't had my diabetes blood tests in February we'd be none the wiser. So it's a positive thing. I'm having another gastroscopy in 8 weeks so everything is in hand.

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GrandmaDylan profile image
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9 Replies

Oh Debs it just doesn’t seem to get better for you does it 😢.

On the plus side 😁 you seem to be getting the requisite level of medical care so let’s hope that continues!

Sounds like you have a lovely supportive daughter! You must have brung (!) her up right!


GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to

Hi Miles, I'm so proud of all three of my children, they're all hard working and high achievers. My eldest daughter also did a biomedical degree, then teacher training and taught visually impaired children in high schools. She's now doing a master's in social work despite having two very young boys. My son is incredibly hard working. He has a very responsible job as a project manager and is also working on his new house when he gets home from work. Good lord that's a lot of bragging isn't it? 😂 They are all reeling from my AIH diagnosis and have arranged for all of us to go out for dinner tomorrow. I am finding it so hard not being the one doing everything for everyone, I'm obviously a control freak. My daughter's friends think I'm very much like Alison Steadman when she plays Gavins mum, a bit scatty but I always loved having the kids friends round. The best was when my eldest daughter was getting married, 3 of her 6 bridesmaids stayed the night before the wedding and we had champagne and ate smoked salmon bagels for breakfast.

Sorry for the long ramble, I bet I've bored you to sleep 😴 Deb

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to GrandmaDylan

How do you smoke a salmon bagel? The same way as a cigarette 😂

Sorry, I’m in a silly mood today. I promise I will act grown up soon.

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to Brett11

You just roll it up and light it like a cigar silly 😜

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to GrandmaDylan

Phew! I thought I was doing it wrong all these years. 🤷‍♀️

in reply to GrandmaDylan

Debs up late again eh! I’m starting to sleep better now steroids finished 😁 (says he at 4 AM 😁)

Had to google allison steadman - gavin and stacey then - still no wiser lol.

Aw it’s great to hear about your children and it’s no wonder you’re proud! Never heard of smoked salmon bagels but brett obviously has 😁. Sounds lovely. Champagne - naughty Debs - only joking 😁

You haven’t bored me to sleep at all. On the contrary it’s made very nice reading and cheers me up. Like you, I suspect, we all need cheering up from time to time - even if Richard does think we make it like seem like an alternative Facebook. Imho it’s all about the pulling togetherness!

Oh dear, I’ve managed to wake wife up with my coughing (another little tribulation send to try me!). I’m not popular 😁 ah well...

Had to google gastroscopy! It’s an endoscope isn’t it. Hope you get/got those sedatives down you. Last time I had sedatives it was brilliant - still can’t remember it at all. Great! Unlike time before, no sedatives, omg. Yet time before that no sedatives and no problem. Very odd.

I’m being lined up for a colonoscopy due to another little irritant to blight what was a fantastic recovery up until 4 weeks ago. 3 1/2 months gone now 😁.

Hehe hope I haven’t bored you to sleep! Oh wait I hope I HAVE bored you to sleep. Sleep is good 😁

Nite nite Debs hope the gastroscopy goes/went well...


Radnor profile image

You are not getting straight forward answers, but at least you are being properly investigated. Like me I think your biggest difficulty to overcome is using the word NO. Its taken me a long time, I imagine you was a doer and took on everyone elses's woes? I too had a houseful of kids when my daughter was a teen. I was fit as a fiddle and her friend loved coming here. My daughter said she is so glad I wasn't a ''crimplene cardy'' Mum. Now my granddaughter calls with her friends, some even call me Nan lol. Your family love you and its the feeling of helplessness that gets to all our families and closest friends. At least now your seeing the right people, not doing is a nightmare.A few months ago you were being dismissed, none of us need this, Some of the answers may not be the best news, but its impossible to come to terms with the unknown. I really feel for people who dont have love and support. Also those who find it difficult to ask questions or ensure they are being heard. I saw how alcohol & drug dependents were disenfranchised from their families .Addressing this and re uniting people was one of the very best parts of my work. People seeing their children again too. We are fortunate , we also have a damn good reason to get as well as medicine allows. Hazelx

Yuiop profile image

It's good to have children you can brag about, makes you a proud mum, just like myself xxx

GrandmaDylan profile image

Thankyou all for your lovely replies. We've just got home from a lovely meal with my husband, children and their partners and my 5 year old grandson. They even treated us to our dinner. My daughter in law was telling me that her grandmother is using medicinal cannabis for severe rheumatoid arthritis and she is completely pain free. Do any of you know much about it? It's £65 on Amazon. Deb x

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