I’ve been feeling a bit upset and confused lately. I have compensated liver cirrhosis (auto immune), but I’m not sure what stage I’m at. Luckily, I don’t have varices or anything like that yet. A couple of years ago, I had a triple bypass. My health hasn’t been great, so I haven’t been doing any exercise. Most of the time, I’ve been sitting or lying down.
Since last month, my liver enzymes have gone up again, so my liver specialist increased my prednisolone dose. The higher dose has given me a bit more energy, so over the past week, I’ve started walking. However, I’ve noticed that when walking, my heart rate went up to 152 bpm while climbing a hill (very small hilly road) . I’ve also noticed small red pinprick dots on the skin of my thighs, as well as a small dark purple bruise on the back of my hand, both under the skin.
My question is whether walking might not be good for me. I’ve lost a couple of pounds, but I’m not sure if that’s just fluid, as I’ve found myself rushing to the loo after walking.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.