I had a liver biopsy done today to grade my nash and make sure nothing else was going on with my liver. Post op pain was very intense so they did an ultra sound every 2 hours post op for 6 hours to make sure i wasn't bleeding. Vital signs were also stable during the time i was at the hospital. I was sent home and i am still in a decent amount of pain. If i sit perfectly still its mild to moderate but i get these stabbing like pains in liver when moving around. Is this typical? Ive been home for maybe 3 hours since i left the hospital. Feels like i got punched super hard in the liver with a mix of some stabbing sensation and intermittent shoulder pain. The doctor said not to worry but I'm worried the biopsy did more harm than good. Has anyone else experienced significant pain post liver biopsy? A lot of other people on here seem to have had a relatively easy time with the biopsy it seems. Ive been checking my bp and heart rate at home as well as checking for abdominal distention but from that stand point it seems ok.
Liver biopsy pain: I had a liver biopsy... - British Liver Trust
Liver biopsy pain

Hey hope you’re beginning to feel better and that you get some good news back . I was wondering if you had any symptoms . Also how long did it take you to get a biopsy scheduled? My Hepatologist gave me a tentative date of June 11th for a follow up but have gotten zero info on a biopsy date . This covid situation is really putting the breaks on things here in America
We’ve got millions on the waiting list here in the UK and the list just keeps growing ....obviously 😕
This is the worst pain ive ever had in my life. If a liver biopsy isnt going to change your course of care depending on the results id recommend asking your doctor if you really need one. Im regretting my decision to have one. Im laying here in bed questioning if i should goto the emergency room.
I had a liver biopsy done a year ago. I still get pain. The doctor said " oh you shouldnt have pain as rhe liver has no pain receptors " well i certainly do!
It is one of my pet hates when “ignorant” (sorry) doctors say the liver has no pain receptors and therefore can’t cause pain. We all know that - except those sort of people apparently - that there is a capsule (or something 😀) around the liver that can and does cause pain - and that as far as a patient is concerned then you do indeed experience “liver” pain. You never get a Hepatologist telling you off for talking about liver pain they know exactly what you mean! Aaagh!! 😀
I collapsed after my biopsy with intense pain and breathing problems, they gave me IV Morphine for the rest of the day and sent me home with strong painkillers, the pain lasted around 6 weeks. Dr thought maybe he had caught my diaphragm with the needle !
I didn't have much pain to start with but I did develop pain around a week post biopsy and I'd been warned that might happen. It was bad but nowhere near as bad as the pain I get with ?bile duct spasm/sphincter of oddi dysfunction.
Hope things are improving for you.
I've had a couple of biopsies - back in the early to mid 2000's. First time around I had a young in-experienced doctor being supervised by one a bit older and more experienced. Somehow the young doctor missed my liver the first time but got it the second time. I think I was only the second person who he had performed the procedure on. Sorry to say, no pain at all. The worst of it was having to lie still for 6 hours afterwards.
I was the same after my liver biopsy. A lot of pain around my liver and up into my right shoulder. I had fainted and collapsed when they tried to get me up out of bed. I was also vomiting. Eventually left the hospital at 10pm after the procedure being in the afternoon. It was touch and go whether I would need to stay in a surgical ward for the night. The next day I felt like I had gone 10 rounds with someone. Totally exhausted and sore. I read all the time people saying their procedure didn’t hurt and was fine but definitely not my experience. Maybe it depends on who carries it out??
I hope the pain has eased significantly. I also had a lot of pain after the biopsy. The first attempt the glazed a rib & the needle recoiled. The second time only hurt a little but after my liver was so painful & my body dropped so badly I had a nurse sit with me in my room for over an hour.
The pain killers took forever to have an impact.
The advice I got was lie on your right side & take paracetamol !
It took nearly a week to recover.
It was worth it - they believed I had AI - all the test results up to that point indicated AI. The biopsy showed advanced NASH well on the way to cirrhosis.
Pain going into the shoulder can happen a lot as there is a blood connection between the two. ( liver and shoulder)It can feel as if you are being sat on in the chest area making it difficult to breathe. The biggest concern is bleeding from the site and they have checked you for that, so hopefully that continues to be safe.
As everyone else has said, the liver does not have pain receptors, but the capsule around it does. Additionally if your liver is enlarged, then this can be pressing on other organs causing you pain.
Hope you are over the pain soon.
Hi there.
I had bad pain after a biopsy. 2 samples were taken in different parts of the liver. Most get away with a little discomfort but I like you experienced more pain than most.
Mine settled down after a few days. The shoulder pain can be caused by inflammation in the liver caused by the biopsy and should settle down too after a few days.
If it doesn't feel like it's settling down or you feel that it's getting worse then you should give your Liver nurse or specialists secretary a ring and let them know and they can advise you of what to do. It may be that they will advise you of what pain killers to take.
I hope that the pain subsides for you very soon.
My sympathies and best wishes
Hi sorry ur in pain after biopsy. I had the neck one and must admit was not as bad as i thought. Worse part was lying on back 4 6 hrs after. I did ask about the other option but was told the neck 1 was the best as u got clearer image and less chance of bleeding. Take care.
If a patient who has had a liver biopsy experiences any symptoms such as chills, high fever, difficulty breathing, excessive bright red bleeding from the biopsy site, severe chest, shoulder or abdominal pain, passing blood in the stool or increasing abdominal swelling then they should call the hospital on the number they were hopefully given on discharge to call in the event of any medical problems.
Alternatively, call 111/999 to seek out emergency medical help if symptoms worsen.
We hope you feel better very soon
I have had 3 biopsies with no pain. The first one was done by an inexperienced radiologist and size and quanity of specimens was inadequate. The other 2 were done by the best rated guy at the Univ. hospital. I could have got up off the table and gone right home. Easy peasy. So I do think the experience of the person is important. Ultra sound guided biopsy if very important.
I just want to thank you all for replying. This group has helped me get through this mentally.
I had pain sensation from my biopsy for at least nine months. I promised never again. Wanted to get into a study which required a liver biopsy, I decided against it.
I had a lot of pain after my biopsy! The bad pain went after a day or so but almost daily I have pain under my right rib and shoulder.
Did you ever get a response and what was your outcome? Seems it is rare.....I had a biopsy last week and the pain comes and goes?