Does this appear to be a spider angioma? It doesn’t appear to have radiating vessels but it’s worrying me.
Spider Angioma?: Does this appear to be... - British Liver Trust
Spider Angioma?

A true spider angioma must have legs, which are usually fairly long and impressive. Google images has some good examples. Yours looks like a cherry angioma perhaps, though these are usually bright red. Can't tell of the light is bleaching out the color in the photo.
Good morning.
Tempting as it is to post pictures/results please could we remind you of the Community guidelines which are there to help you, forum users are very likely not to be medically qualified and although they may have considerable personal experience with liver disease this cannot replace expert medical advice:
'The information posted on this site should NOT be used as a means of diagnosis, determining treatment, nor replace the relationship between you, your doctors and other healthcare professionals. For diagnosis and treatment options, you should ALWAYS first consult your doctor'

Help me out Please I have a vein and it looks like the sun without the round bit just thick blue lines going round real bid under arm q
As Metnoia said spider angiomas need to have the body and legs hence why its called spider angioma. Im not a doctor at all but i will comment on this only because i have the same mark your picture shows on a few spots on my arms. If yours is the same as mine than its what is known as petechiae. They are caused by bleeding from tiny broken capilleries beneath the skin. They themselves are harmless. But they are caused by different things. Mine are caused by the fact that I have extremly low platelets due to my enlarged spleen eating them all up. Lowered platelts also known as thrombocytopenia is a common cause of them. What is your platelet count? Show it to your doctor and mention the term petechiae and see what they say.
Its pronounced "Pe-teek-E-eye" btw lol
If its worrying u get it checked out, good luck
I have 7 spider angiomas and that doesn't look like any of the ones I have. Mine have a red/purplish center that isnt flat and going away from the middle all around the center are little broken blood vessels. I agree with Phoenix, it does look like petechiae I get from time to time.