Hi all.excuse the state of my hand.
Stupidly As a gas man I always put these spider veins down to the physical job I’ve got of replacing the highway gas mains in all weathers.five years ago I had my first Bleed in my oesophagus but developed this spider Naevi five years before.so in hindsight I should of gone to the doctors with it because at the time I was also suffering with severe cramp especially in summer.i so kick myself from not going.basically they we’re the first signals that my body was telling me something is up.but I left it.which I ended up with a decompensated liver which resulted in a liver Transplant two months ago.so what’s done is done but i just wanted to point this out to anyone who has any similar issues that they shouldn’t bury their heads and get to their doctors ASAP so they can get the chance to do something about it.Although I had spider veins on my hands at first it was only in last two years that they developed on my chest and feet.as most people are aware the spider veins are usually in most cases mean that you have developed varices. But Im not expecting them to disappear now that I have a new liver I think I’ve just got to live with them.also one last point the first time of getting the cramps and veins my hands were really red and swollen which is another indicator of your liver struggling even though the main reason of my liver disease was through hep C I also developed dupuytrens which interestingly is known as Viking finger named because of the vikings liking for alcohol and fondness for being intermarried which is a fibrosis and thickening of the palms.anyway sorry for rattling on.it happens to be 4in the morning and as per usual couldn’t sleep.so hope it helps someone.thanks.paul