I look 9 months pregnant with twins my stomach th bloating feels like it comes to a head of my insides feel like there being expanded pain in back hip hands and feet go blood red feels like before I had womb out or hip done everything's hurting even me hands I feel starving and sick same time feel honestly I'll as well as pain I think it's me bowels and me food will not do down I'm on movicol laxatives never have I felt so many pains in different places i can't eat as it makes it worste .i need an mot a proper overhaul as they wont diagnose me but keep tying to give me anti inflammatorys I won't take them as of me liver.or pain killers unless it's this bad
The pain is unbearable: I look 9 months... - British Liver Trust
The pain is unbearable
Good afternoon,
We are very sorry to hear that you are in such discomfort. If your pain is unbearable then you should definitely seek medical advice at the earliest opportunity so that you can be assessed.
kind regards
Yes, I quite agree. Keep mithering them until they take notice of you. Always here you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Hi, call your gp and insist they email your consultant. It’s not normal and you need to be seen by a hepatologist. I’m assuming you don’t drink alcohol and you are eliminating salt and processed foods? Are you on a diuretic medication? Have you had your liver functions test done recently or bilirubin etc?
They discharged me back to GPthanku for reply I gotta try one last thing as I'm going to end up another statistic I'm scared again I have to many overlapping diagnosis to much complex health issues so mental health as well .im going out area another hospital.
Please get in touch with your go soon as possible, don't nudge until they do something!!! Love and hugs Lynne xxcc
I'm going out area hospital where I'm moving soon I can't go on like this it's really hard as since I had trauma I stutter slur and worste is on phone no words come out at all it's when I'm fighting for me health anything that's pressure so I write this in short to te hospital
Sorry thanks for reply how u getting on xxx
I'm not too good tbh. Had enough of being in pain
See my consultant on 12th July, see what he has to say . Love and hugs Lynne xxxc
Go and see either your consultant or GP and tell them you are not leaving there office until they have diagnosed your problems and given you some meds that will work
My wife did get swelling before her transplant and the transplant hospital said they were thinking about putting a drain in ask and push to see if they can put a drain in for you it sorts out water retention