Hoping to see if anyone else has experienced this. I have pain just below my right rib. Started 2 weeks ago. It feels like a stitch. It bursts to breath in, yawn etc.
After a few days I went to hospital while on holiday. Was told bloods etc clear & take pain killers
last Saturday I spent the night at my local A&E. Was given morphine & Buscopan
Bloods again ok
Ultra sound showed I had multiple cysts. 2 of which are 8 & 9cm in diameter. The doctor said he would talk to a surgeon and contact me if they would do anything
I called them - to be told nothing to be done
The pain was not as acute but still there when taking deep breaths
Tonight it's worse again & hurts when I move. I'm in agony with v sharp stabbing pains.
Can cyst pain fluctuate like this? How hard should I push to get this fixed?
Thank you all!