Hello all, I'm new here, my name is madz. I don't normally do this but I'm getting in to see my GP in a few days but I'm absolutely gutted and know that some suggestions either way will help.
basically: 37 y/o, drank for scads of years (15?), sober for exactly one year (aside from last week when my mate made me punch with vodka in it and masked the tasted and DIDN'T TELL ME because he thought it would be funny -- we are not talking anymore, forever).
when you look at my eyes straight on they look really white but turning them to the side they both have this problem. they both have that yellow coloration. it doesn't seem sunshiney but that's DEFINITELY yellow, right? the one kinda stops and resumes the white coloring but the other goes all the way back. i'm in trouble, right?
I've been fairly sleepless for a while and so have some bloodshot but there's a LOT of yellow there and I'm so scared! I know none of you are docs and can't diagnose, but can you tell me what you see?