Hi folks, I would just like to say that firstly I've had no alcohol since Thursday, I know it's not long, but small steps, I want to tell you about my drinking, this is not self pity but me being honest, I would have at least 3 bottles of wine before breakfast, skip breakfast and get some cans in till the pub opens, go to the pub and drink lager, and that would be my day gone, what a waste, but I've got clarity on the fact I'm not going to do it anymore, alcohol and diabetes clash with each other if I don't take my insulin the probability is I'm going collapse, if I take my insulin and drink my sugar levels would drop so low that I'll have a hypo, I'm telling you this because it's my story, it's not every day more binging, this is not a post about self pity, please don't pass judgement on me, I'm just being honest.
And my sugar levels were 5.9 so I'm doing something right.
Best wishes Jeff xx