Hi all.
24 years old, male. I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs. Weight around 65 kgs, 6 feet tall. I'm not really into sports but I used to swim and ride a bike from time to time. Begining of this year my lifestyle has changed a lot. For 3 months my physical activity was reduced to walking 200 meters everyday, waking up often at 3-4 am and the worst ... food. 3 months only pizza, microwave stuff or some fast foods. In march I started feeling an abdominal pain on the right side, sometimes after eating fatty dishes I saw that my tongue turned slightly orange, I also noticed a slight gynecomastia. What is more I also see a little spider anigoma a bit below my chest, my waist size got a bit bigger, my eyes tend to be bloodshot (however this may be because of the fact that I spend 8 hours daily in a dry, air-conditioned room, I woke up every single night around 2 am (even if I didn't have to wake up that early). In may I started using silymarin plus quit eating pizzas and the rest of garbage and now it got a slightly better, the pain has lessend a bit, I don't see my tongue turn orange anymore, and I don't wake up at night anymore (at least not every night). Got my bloodtest done: glucose 87 (70-99), PLT 284 (150-400), AST 21, ALT 12, HDL 60, LDL 109 total cholesterol 186, WBC 5,8 RBC 4,95, HCT 42, no bilirubin or urobilinogen in my urine. Last time I also noticed that my nails and toes turned pale (Terry's?). From time to time I also feel a bit of pain on the left side of the abdomen (splenomegaly, maybe pancreatitis?). Basically that's it, things I am most concerned about are my nails, gynecomastia, spider anigoma and abdominal pain because these are signs of cirrhosis. Is it possible to develop this desease in such a short period of time? Before this year I lived just like a common person, from time to time I ate some fast food rubbish (once in two months maybe), drank coke but on the other hand as I said I didn't drink booze. Any thoughts anyone?