Hi, Does anyone here has some experience or knowledge about liver diseases that are not cirrhosis?
I am very worried because of my symptoms. I suspect that there's something very wrong with my liver. My LFTs are within the range but I have Increased echogenicity and heterogeneity on the liver US. Fibroscan says F0 yet I have most of the cirrhosis symptoms listed on the British Liver Trust website. I quote:
generally feeling unwell and tired all the time
loss of appetite
loss of weight and muscle wasting
feeling sick (nausea)
tenderness/pain in the liver area
spider-like small blood capillaries on the skin above waist level (spider angiomas)
blotchy red palms
disturbed sleep pattern
intensely itchy skin
white nails
ends of fingers become wider/thicker (clubbed fingers)
hair loss
swelling of the legs, ankles, feet (oedema)
pale-coloured stools or very dark/black tarry stools
frequent muscle cramps
right shoulder pain
in women: irregular or lack of menstrual periods
dizziness and extreme fatigue (anaemia)
shortness of breath
very rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
forgetfulness, memory loss, confusion and drowsiness
subtle change in personality
trembling hands
writing becomes difficult, spidery and small
staggering gait when walking; tendency to fall
Basically except jaundice, ascites, vomiting blood, I have all of the symptoms that I have found on the BLT website. Due to LFTt that are within the range, I can't get a refferal to see hepatologist and my condition is getting worse.
I have been checked for many different conditions, my thyroid tests are normal.
I am really worried and confused.
Best Regards