I'm new on the board. I'm 42 and I stopped drinking before xmas. When I was in my late 20s I had a swollen liver from Alcohol at the time I was probably drinking every night and had previously drank 2 bottles of wine in a night quite regularly. I cut down but still never really had a break. I had a blood test which came back with high ggt and ast alt both twice normal. I stopped drinking had ultrasound which showed enlargement but nothing else. Within a couple of months my liver results were back to normal. I continued to not drink and was told by the liver specialist that I could drink under the units as he didn't think I had any real issues due to my results dropping so quickly. For the next couple of years I only drank on special occasions. I had my results monitored and even when I wasn't drinking my ast and alt would be at the top end of the reference. The liver specialist thought I was worrying too much. Well because of life insurance and travel insurance issues I probably avoided any more testing and continued to drink particularly when stressed. This has varied from a bottle of Pinot Grigio wine a night Friday, Saturday to filing in the days of the week in the last six months. I didn't really ever go over a bottle and if I did it would be one glass. I tried to control my drinking but I guess I knew that I would make up an excuse to go to the shop to get a bottle. Well I've been worrying that because my wife will also drink if I am that I was putting her health at risk so I started thinking about stopping. I went out on a binge before xmas and had liver pain so that was it I decided to stop and get a medical. I now terrified I've got cirrhosis through putting my head in the sand for years. I didn't think I had a huge drink problem because it didn't affect my work or home life, I didn't normally get drunk etc. I exercise 2-3 times a week and normally control my weight. The only symptoms I seem to have is quadrant discomfort which has only happened since I stopped and I also have very mild gynecomastia which I thought was genetic as my dad has it too. Are there any other early symptoms? What tests should I ask for?