I have been having issues with bloating, lost 6kgs in 3 weeks but seem to have maintained a weight after getting my appetite back, cronic diarrhoea, feeling sick (never been sick) abnormal LFT at one point however all my blood tests recently have been normal ranges. I have had a barrage of tests which include Colonoscopy (Clear), Endoscopy (Hiatus Hernia), Ultrasound of abdomen (Clear) however a recent CT scan (after looking at suspected pancreas issues) has found 2 "Shadows" on my right liver, 1cm & 1.5cm. Obviously i am petrified it is cancer or something of the like, i thought a CT scan would be able to distinguish between something benign and something bad. My Gastro Dr said i do not need to worry as it says "unspecified shadows" but obviously i am as i have felt ill for 6 months now and i was hoping to have some good news.. What kind of things is it most likely to be? i have another ultrasound with constrast scheduled for this week but i am so worried.
I have a question regarding a recent f... - British Liver Trust
I have a question regarding a recent finding on my CT Scan.

I am sorry but as I am not a doctor I couldn't tell you what it possibly could be. But if the doctors are not concerned then you really should relax, they are looking into it as they wouldn't have booked you in for a scan. I know it's hard but they would be honest with you if they were overly worried and stressing out will have an adverse effect on your overall health. Nothing can be done until you are diagnosed. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later 😊 xxx
If the doctors suspect cancer you are given an appointment including an oncologist within 2 weeks usually (can't remember if it's still law).
I hope this calms you a bit, I totally understand your fears, you can insist that one of your doctors answers even if by telephone appointment and I would recommend this, first make a list of all of your questions - my doctor calls mine my shopping list lol, they probably don't understand how worried you are,
Rita x
I was a bit upset and said I'm worried it's something bad but he said not to worry as my symptoms aren't connected (he says I have ibs) I'm just worried that the ct scan said "unspecified" as I thought a ct scan was a pretty good test to tell what it is so if it was benign it would of been obvious? He wanted to do an MRI but said he doesn't want to go against what radiologist said. I am going to try and ask questions tomorrow whilst I have my second ultrasound if the dr does iit again.
Ask whoever does th scan if they can clarify or at least make a note on your file to pass on question.
Write the question down and give them the paper, holding it in your hand when you go in will stop you forgetting,
If you don't get an answer then try GP or ring and ask to speak to your consultants secretary so she can pass on a message.
Worrying will only make you feel worse when it doesn't sound as if you need to.
Good luck tomorrow
My GP practice gets a bit shirty with me sometimes as they say i am not letting them do their job but at the end of the day i am 6 months down the line and still in and out doing tests so i not sure they are aware of how worried i am. I am own worst enemy though, i have been diagnosing myself as i thought i had Pancreatic Cancer.
Google is your worst friend when you have health problems as you don't even know what is true for you.
I think we've all done that and scared the pants off ourselves
I understand the unknown and waiting for months to find out what is wrong with you.
I am going for my first Liver Fibroscan Ultrasound tomorrow. I am a total nervous wreck.
I had routine follow up blood tests done after I was stricken with sepsis in Feb this year. The blood test was to check my white blood cells. The doctor spotted that my LFTs were 8 times to high. She kept checking my LFTs ....they continued to be between 5 and 11 times to high. In fact she said my LFTs are deranged.
I was referred to Liver Specialist. I went for a consultation and now this Ultrasound.
I will be so relieved when the test is over, but dreading I might have to go for a liver biopsy as well.
All I can suggest, is to try and stay positive, and try not to worry......I know easier said than done.
Like me, they have said it is nothing life-threatening, because if it was, the Specialist would have done the tests much sooner.
Good luck, and I hope you find some answers very soon.
Just so you know a biopsy doesn't hurt in the slightest, it's the lying still for 6 hours what's the pain x
Once you've had biopsy you are taken back to ward and I had to lie on my right hand side for about 4 hours. Good luck, hope this helps xxxx

Had my second ultrasound the Dr doing it said they are Hemangiomas and is pretty confident after i was injected with a fluid.