I have had a lot of health problems for about 2 years, the liver just being one thing. I have a history of research so have learned everything I can about the liver, tests etc. So I wonder if any one has had a similar experience. I was admitted to hospital about 2 years ago with bleeding stomach ulcers, while in there they ran a bucket load of tests, ie bloods, CT scan, MRI with contrast and ultrasound. My blood liver markers were slightly up, not huge but all up a bit. Anyway the CT, MRI, ultrasound all seemed clear from reports. So i was released with whatever medicines they gave me. But as they couldn't tell me what had caused the ulcers, they sent me to a person who deals with rare cases, he then sent me for a fibrascan and that showed I had a very fatty liver. I have not had a drink, I am not overweight and i have a healthy diet, but it seems the liver damage is progressing. What I cant understand is why something did not show up on the CT, ultrasound, or the MRI, ie surely they must have showed up some sort of fatty liver image. What I am trying to say is that could the Fibrascan be wrong, although it would be wrong 4 x now. My blood tests are all within range, yet my stiffness is on the march.. anyone able to shed a light?
Any answers to whats going on? Fibrosc... - British Liver Trust
Any answers to whats going on? Fibroscan v the rest

Hi Ruggerhead, what were your kpa results (if you're happy to say)? Have you had blood tests for everything potentially liver related, e.g. autoimmune screen, iron, hepatitis viruses, HIV, wilson's disease?
Hi, also do you have any problems with cholesterol or blood sugar - sometimes it can be hereditary?
Yes all tests done and all those things screened for, despite a clean diet of no sugars, glueton free etc for a year KPA went from 4.5 to over 9
Could you please provide your IQR/median for both?
Anyway even 9 kpa is not so high score, fibroscan at that low levels is not so accurate. It could be false positive especially when all other tests tell everthing is ok. Of course it would not be a good idea to complete ignore it. But do not worry too much and just follow your doctors. Rember fibroscan is only one of the test and alone cannot be conclusive. I had also 8.8 kpa score and I am still alive 😁
Fibroscan usually overestimates rather than underestimate (except in cases of alcoholic related liver disease). The best approach is to believe it and act to improve your liver. Watch your diet and exercise regularly.
Hi, just wondering what you mean by 'except in cases of alcoholic related liver disease?'
There has been at least one study of Fibroscan's reliability in cases of cirrhosis caused by alcohol where the Fibroscan score dropped from F4 (cirrhosis) to lower stages of simple fibrosis (F3, F2, etc) after the patients stopped drinking. However, biopsies revealed that the cirrhosis was still there. In those cases, the Fibroscan underestimated the actual damage.