Urgh. Due to my UC I'm due my annual colonoscopy tomorrow plus Kings wanted it done before my assessment next week. The procedure I don't care about, it's been 13 years since I was diagnosed and those initial undignified and embarrassing situations I've long got over. But the bowel prep drink you have to drink on the day before to clear you has got to be the foulest thing known to mankind. It's vile and I dread it every time. I can only liken it to being asked to drink two litres of seawater. Oh they add flavouring to it, either orange or the more likely lemon option. Does it help? Does it eck!
Plus of course you have to drink the vile offensive seawater on an empty stomach so you end up feeling like crap as the liquid sloshes around inside you. And then of course the purpose of it all starts and it's off to the toilet. Be warned do not be standing in my way because you will get a rugby barge.
The countdown begins to my first litre. Oh the joy.