High GT 137 no symptoms scared somethi... - British Liver Trust

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High GT 137 no symptoms scared something is wrong :(

saz1986 profile image
22 Replies

Hi guys, so 4th July this year I had some routine bloods done, actually checking for celiac disease, as I had constant 'runs' everything came back fine but ggt was 137 had a liver scan all ok, bloods repeated and received a letter today asking me to make an appointment. It's a bank holiday weekend and I'm going away tomorrow and scared something is wrong, I am overweight but feel well in myself no other symptoms! We have a family history of cancer and I'm a google queen and just convinced myself I'm seriously ill o suffer with bad anxiety and depression and this is really not helping I wish I'd never have the bloods done in the first place it's ruined my life :( thanks for any help in advance xxx

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saz1986 profile image
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22 Replies
briccolone profile image

hi Saz,

ok GGT 137-its high-normal range 40-50. can be caused by a few things. Overweight is a factor-can also be caused by gallstones. Fatty liver possibly as well. Do you drink alcohol. If you do to excess this a common cause of elevated GGT. Probable next course of action is you'll be sent for an ultrasound to see if they can detect fatty liver. At this point I wouldn't worry too much. GGT can be brought down with diet/exercise/abstinence. Further down the line if symptoms persist a fibroscan may be in order.

keep us posted


tillycindy profile image

hello there, just thought I,d welcome you until someone is about who can advise you better. I see you,ve fallen into the trap that many of us do, internet research ! Many things can cause raised g.g.t , you don,t say if you drink for example. You mentioned your weight, some people develop fatty liver which can be totally reversed through diet. I know there is no point telling you not to worry until you,ve seen your Doc and enjoy your break, but chances are it,s something totally innocuous so, don,t worry and enjoy your break. And, keep your fingers away from that keyboard ! yours, anne.

bantam12 profile image

Don't panic, it may be nothing, my GGT has been higher than yours ( around 186 ish )for about 10 years and despite all the repeated tests, scans and a biopsy no reason has been found.

Try not to worry and enjoy your holiday.

Dulux profile image

Here is my take on it, numbers mean things to doctors, doctors can't tell you how you will feel because your level is high, everyone's body is different, to give some balance here my ggt is over 600 I still get up go to work and exist as a person, all my results are a mess, but I care about how I feel. Understand using google what ggt is and represents but without more tests, scans it could be anything, I have been where you are I was told by my gp they had found lumps in my liver I didn't think I'd see Christmas, that was 3 years ago because I didn't have all the information, I use google to help me understand but avoid trying to pigeon hole your results to a specific disease/condition. Best thing you can do at the moment is eat a healthy diet, keep fit, body and mind and don't let fear control your life.

There is loads of genuine people on here who can offer advice and give there story, it's a fantastic resource so welcome.

saz1986 profile image

wow :) thanks so much everyone! This is the first site I've actually felt some comfort from and I really appreciate all the supportive responses :) just to answer a few of the questions, I don't drink alcohol maybe only at Xmas but would rather have a cuppa! and I've had 2 US scans which were clear, I have suffered from frequent headaches for years and take (but not recently) ALOT of painkillers, it could be down to that and my weight/lifestyle I will admit hasn't been the healthiest but this has been a HUGE wake up call so I am making changes....and due to this the headaches have improved a lot. It's good to hear other people's experiences too. Thankyou very much :)

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to saz1986

Yes drug use also a factor..medicines. My ggt was 185 when first measured through decades of too much wine. After about 3 months it of diet exercise and abstinence it only went down to 167 but I was completely a symptomatic at that point

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to briccolone

My high ggt, alp and alt have been put down to the antiinflammatories I take for ulcerative colitis as nothing else has shown up.

valygar420 profile image
valygar420 in reply to bantam12

ty, i never had a high ggt until now and I started taking antiinflammatories for ulcerative colitis a month before my test, I wonder it that is also part of the cause.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to valygar420

That's probably the cause, my GGT is still high and no other cause found, I can't stop taking my UC meds so GGT is just monitored but my Consultant is not worried by it.

medmike profile image

HI there,

GGT is an indication of alcohol consumption. Are you a heavy drinker?

freddie76 profile image
freddie76 in reply to medmike

Sorry not always

My husband was being tested as he was not feeling right. GGT was high. He did not and does not drink but eventually had to have transplant as he had liver damage due to Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.

At the beginning of investigations the only liver enzyme showing any problem was the GGT.

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to freddie76

good point well made

buddymac48 profile image

My readings like you are also high,i try not to worry as best i can i have lost weight ,exercise and eat a good diet,i know i have gallstones and fatty liver ,so that may be why my readings are high, iam trying not to read to much as many are horror stories,i now take each day as it comes,make the most out of my days,take care of yourself and follow your Doctors advice.

Hi, welcome to the group! I was going to ask if you drink, but others have beaten me to it. The reason I wondered is because of the constant runs that you mention. I was a heavy drinker in my 20s, and had the runs all the time. I'm not coeliac, I just drank a lot of cider. Please don't worry too much about the GGT; I'm sure your GP would have talked to you about it if he/she had any concerns. Mine was well over 500 at one point, and believe me you would know if your GGT was an issue because you would be extremely ill.

Hopefully the responses here have helped to allay your fears somewhat :)

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to

elevated GGT isnt just an issue for the liver-there is a well researched link between higg GGT choleterol and heart risk. If you have naturally high GGT there's not much you can do but for diet or alcohol relatred GGT it's worth reducing if possible.

AdeleMalcolm profile image

Well on GGT my numbers were high and stayed that way even when totally abstaining from aclohol. Mine seem to fluctuate from around 130 - 180 regardless of what I do. I have PBC so am putting it down to that. I'm also aware of other people who don't drink at all and have a high GGT result - unfortunately it's never a straightforward cause-effect relationship. Follow your doctors advice but if this is your only elevated liver function test and you have no other symptoms I wouldn't stress unless your doc suggests otherwise as I'm no expert myself.

saz1986 profile image

Hi everyone thanks for all the comments! My latest ggt results was 243 so gone up from the first blood test done 4th July still feel well, no pain/symptoms of anything, I have the doctors on Monday so will see what he suggests ! I'm done worrying about it I feel well in myself so trying to stay positive!! :)

she1981 profile image
she1981 in reply to saz1986

Hi, I know this post was over 2 years ago but your results are the same as mine. Just wondering what the out come of your doctor apt was ?


Cooki90 profile image

At home now

Cooki90 profile image

Will my 519 come down.

tem1019 profile image

hello guys, i just got my husbands result his ggt is 135 and im freaking out what should i do? he drinks alcohol occasionally sometimes more tgan regular, is it from alcohol?

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to tem1019

What does a high GGT level in the blood mean?

An elevated GGT level in the blood is the most widely used marker of heavy alcohol consumption. A GGT elevation usually suggests a liver damage. It can be due to benign diseases like fatty liver or due to some issues of concern like hepatitis or cirrhosis.

High values of GGT in the blood can be seen in case of bile duct obstruction.

Mild GGT elevation (55 – 138 U/L in adult men, 38 - 95 U/L in adult women):

Your GGT level in the blood is a bit high. It is often a consequence of alcohol consumption. 3 out of 4 person who drink too much alcohol has the GGT higher than normal.

If you drink little or no alcohol, it can be due to the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It is a very common disorder caused by a build-up of fat in the liver.

There are many drugs that can interfere in the GGT level in the blood. For this reason, it is advisable to ask your doctor if you are under medication.

Decrease your alcohol and tobacco consumption and prevent overweight. If you follow these tips, take a new blood test in a few months and the GGT level will probably be within the normal range.

Moderate GGT elevation (138 – 275 U/L in adult men, 95 - 190 U/L in adult women):

A moderate GGT elevation in the blood requires a visit to your doctor. It may be a sign of liver damage due to infectious hepatitis.

The GGT is closely related to alcohol consumption. Please, tell your doctor your alcohol daily consumption to help him about the possible diagnosis.

Marked GGT elevation (275 – 550 U/L in adult men, 190 - 380 U/L in adult women):

The GGT level in the blood is very high and it is necessary to know the causes.

It may be due to multiple reasons:

If there is no other blood parameter out of range, it may be induced by excessive alcohol consumption.

If the alkaline phosphatase (ALT) is higher than normal it may be cirrhosis.

If the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is higher than normal, the AST is high and the ALT is high it may be a cause of a viral infection like hepatitis.

If the bilirubin level in the blood is high (above 2.8 mg/dL) it may be a bile duct obstruction (gallstones in the gallbladder)

Pancreatitis or mononucleosis are also a possibility.

Severe GGT elevation (> 550 U/L in adult men, > 380 U/L in adult women):

A severe GGT elevation is a matter of concern and a visit to your doctor is necessary. He can guide you based on your medical history.

If the GGT level in the blood is 8 or 10 times above the normal range it may be due to a liver damage that requires a special attention.

The GGT level in the blood above 500 U/L is usually a consequence of alcohol abuse. The GGT level in the blood above 700 U/L requires medical attention because it can lead to a sharp deterioration of your health.

Sounds like your hubby needs to reduce his alcohol intake and hopefully his mildly elevated GGT will come down.


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