Hi. Just want to say a massive thank you to everyone that have been so supportive over the past months. Thanks for all the lovely messages of condolence regarding Terry's mum. Sorry I've no posted recently but not really had the time as you can imagine.
It's been a few weeks of ups & downs but hopefully there are only ups left !
Mums funeral was on Thursday & Terry couldn't attend but the hospital staff looked after him exceptionally well. Lots of his buddies visited to keep him occupied but he was still very down obviously.
Good news is that he came home yesterday & appears to be doing great so far. He has to attend a weekly clinic but that's a small price to pay. I'm the one who's having a hard time getting used to all the new meds.! I could give him his pre op meds with my eyes closed but now this new lot leave me a bit "snot razzled".! No doubt I'll get the gist pretty soon.
The next traumatic part is the letter to the donor family. Terry really wants to write it now but I've told him that he needs to grieve for Mum first then get his head in gear . I don't know if he's expected to write one so soon anyway. ?
Anyway thanks again to everyone & will be in touch again shortly.