Following husband’s colonoscopy on Monday I took him for blood work this morning and saw GP this afternoon. I pointed out that his legs are swelling again and his tummy looks bigger (the scan on 23rd December said no ascites) and he goes a bit yellow. GP agreed about the legs and examined his tummy and said there is some fluid his bloods not great, low protein, and liver not as good as it could be. She is sending him for another scan and wants more blood tests next week.
I asked why following nothing remarkable being discovered from the colonoscopy why is he in so much pain and discomfort. She didactic know.
He is very down now as he though his blood results would be better.
She also agreed his not being able to stay asleep is having a detrimental effect on his health.
I am so worried about him are all these ups and downs par for the course with liver disease or is this his liver failing. He doesn’t seem to be making any further improvement.