I'm very aware how flat it is round here, but realised recently the road I drive along to visit family undulates upwards.. .... So this morning I'd set a 6k run in Garmin with a 5 minute warm up and cool down.I aimed to keep my heartrate in zone one but that went out the window as the road went upwards, on and on a gentle going up, with parts flattening out. I went slow mostly so I could run it all and I did, when I got to the top of the road I turned right and right again back to the original road which was now a gentle downward slope and my heartrate was dropping, but then I passed the park, that undulates, and it's not square so I decided I'd run round it to see how far it was... .forgot to check as I sprinted up the final up bit and back on the road. Under the underpass and a kilometre from home on the flat, heartrate dropping as I slowly plodded on, such a lovely run, and with runs I've covered 16.5k this week, up 27% on last week, each week is more than the week before and I ran more this March compared to last March 😁 not that I'm comparing 🤣🤣🤣.
Enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing and run happy or rest well