I have been using Runkeeper (basic version) for a while now - since my Garmin watch decided to stop working (even with new battery 😕). I do like Runkeeper - being able to save photos for each run, looking at the data etc. I am planning to enter a 10km Canicross event in March and so need to build up my stamina. Yesterday I was browsing the training and race plans on Runkeeper and decided to try one. I chose a plan with 3 runs a week so hopefully I can keep that up. So this morning I did the first ‘preconditioning’ run - a ‘relaxed’ 3km. I like the way the voice tells me my pace and whether it is over or under the target pace. After the 3km I decided to finish with a quick 1km to get me back to the start of the trail. A lovely run which improved my mood ✔️👍😀. Next run on Saturday - not quite sure what a ‘surge’ run is but I’m sure I’ll find out 😂 Now off to work!
New 10km training plan: I have been using... - Bridge to 10K
New 10km training plan

That sounds great. I do a 10-12K Trail Run along a river every Sunday morning with my Cocker Spaniel. It’s lovely to have a doggie for company. My Ruby runs great off the lead on trails, but on the roads she drags behind me a little when on the lead. I don’t think she would want to be my canicross partner unless the roles were reversed.😁🐾🐾

This sounds great! Can’t wait to hear what your “surge” run was like! I love having a plan. I don’t know the run keeper one at all and it’ll be fab to hear what you think of it!

That’s fabulous! I’ve completed two of their training plans (First 5k and Walking Movement for Mind) and I like their coaches. So looking forward to reading how you get on with it.
I’ll be on the twin NRC 10k plan!
10k here we come (very slowly in my case)

Brilliant run and please let us know what a surge run is. I'm using the NRC Nike run club app