Like others recently I set off early this morning to avoid the heat but at 7k, reaching my destination seaside town, I desperately needed the loo and not one was open. If I'd just needed a pee I would have just found a quiet avenue to relieve myself, 😂 but local byelaws probably outlaw actually sh*tting in the street, unless you're a dog. (In fact I found myself wondering whether doing the deed and using a dog poo bag to clear up after myself would have been ok, but I didn't have one anyway). I found a loo after 8am, after gingerly NOT running through town to the seafront, and rather exploded. Kit needed washing more than usual! I was so annoyed at effectively having to stop my 'run' at 7km (although Coach B did give me a finish time) that I did a 2k quick start NRC run back to the bus stop for the trip home. I've now read about runner's trots on this forum but can't imagine dealing with it during races or events, in public! Experiences anyone?
Early run, 9k Runs Club!: Like others recently... - Bridge to 10K
Early run, 9k Runs Club!

My goodness I was on the end of my seat reading that! Im so glad you found a loo. There was proper tension in your run report!!! I run rurally and have done a few wild wees. I’ve nearly thrown up in a few bushes. No runners’ trots for me but I hope you get some helpful answers.
Congratulations on a successful run. Coach B says that you should measure success is as many ways as you can, and not doing a poo on a high street is a worthy success criterion in my book!!!
I've saved it on my run log as 'the one with the toilet issue ', and it was definitely an additional success to not (obviously) have people avoiding me on the bus! 😂 As a cyclist I'm used to peeing in the wild, but not usually the other....

OMG! I've had to pull over for a quick wee against a tree a couple of times but that's not really difficult for men. Plus I'm usually out on the canal path and there are enough hiding spots.
That's really rough! I've only ever had problems with that end, not the other. But that kind of urgency is just horrible no matter which end if it's not in the right environment.
I hope you find some answers, too...

Gosh, slightly TMI, for me, first thing this morning
I have no experiences , luckily. of this, at all all, but it is such a common problem, for many reasons..
Some useful info' here, maybe..
I have had one wild wee, in my nearly ten years.. and that was in a lovely field on a glorious sunny day and the only company were the very curious cows
I am glad you made it to the safe loo haven, on time... that just emphasise the need for glute workouts !!! 😉