I started using JuJus plan and found it challenging but kept at it. This morning we (dog and I) should have ran week 9, 55 minutes but kept going the full 60 minutes! Didn’t manage 10k but I honestly didn’t believe in myself that I would ever manage it 60 mins. We did have a wee stop after 5.5 k as my dog needed a rest, well i will say that anyway :-). We ran against the wind and got caught in heavy showers but pushed through. Am so chuffed and so is my dog
Just ran for 60 minutes for first time! - Bridge to 10K
Just ran for 60 minutes for first time!

That’s a great milestone - well done!

Congratulations on running non stop for 1 HOUR, looks better than 60 minutes, next 10K, you probably have ran about 8K, well done. 😊 🏃
Thank you! It was almost 8k today and you are right 1 HOUR does look and feel awesome!! 🤪
Recently I have been using a metromone app at 162 steps a minute and practicing slightly longer distances, the first was 5k,that about in 37 minutes, the next week it was 6K, about 44 minutes and the most recent was 7k, about 50 minutes, I was going to try 8K today but I was at a parkrun yesterday and did not think it wise to run on consecutive days, instead I went on a short bike 🚲 ride,

60 minutes non stop running is an amazing achievement. You should be very pleased , oh and well done to your dog also 😊🐶
Thank you

Well done to you and your dog! 👏👏👏🐕🐕🐕 I run with mine too for the most part, and love having her come along. 😀
You’ll soon reach 10k, but now you can relish the amazing achievement of running for a whole hour. 🎉🎉🎉 Really well done you! 😀👊
Thank you. My dog is like a powerball jumping up and down and runs like crazy lol. Yes 10k is in sight!!!!

Massive well done you! And dog too

A huge well done to you. And to your dog!
Well done, I'm just starting JuJus plan, really want to run 10k one day
You will do it, stick to the plan and enjoy!

I am thinking of joining the next round of Ju Ju, did you do this in your own time or with the rest of the group? Xx
I did it on my own as I seemed to miss the group, would like to redo it though with the group and this time focus on distance


That’s mega. Very well done. 60 minutes is a huge achievement. I still smile when I remember my first 60 minutes. You will get to 10k eventually. Like C25k most of us can’t do 10k in 60 minutes. 👏🏅🏃🏻♀️😊🎉
Thank you. Its amazing, am so chuffed with myself but also for this group and the plan. 10k here I come! Are walking breaks allowed like in C25K?
Mega impressed! Well done you. I seem to be stuck at 5k or 35-40mins running but I’m ok with that considering I didn’t run at all until January this year but thanks to C25K I’m running 3 times a week and I will be 65 this month.
Thanks. I was stuck too at 5k for 40 mins then it went down to 37 and 36 mins for about a year! I made my mind up To do JuJus plan myself and noticed how my stamina was getting better. I am still slow (54 year old) but that doesn’t matter. Enjoy the feeling of finishing any jog, you are doing fantastic! 😁

Well done

Well done! 👏👏👏

Wowee, that's amazing Anna, a big well done🏃♀️👍...I just started Juju plan last week and currently the thought of running for 60 minutes seems mental 😳😂

Lovely run annabsnanas. The wet windy runs feel the best; once you have finished anyway! Flat white and bonio called for 😊

Fantastic....well done.