Do you have ridiculous reasons for not running? I’d washed and dried my hair in the morning and it looked good! This is highly usual for me. Usually it looks like I’ve slept in a bush.
Anyway, when it can to the evening and time to go out for a run, I found myself not wanting to mess my hair up. How ridiculous is that?! Genuinely a dilemma about whether to go out and have to deal with the barnet again or not. My better sense prevailed and I made it out the door for my run. In the fairytale version, I bounced along like a gazelle, had a wonderful time and regretted questioning for a minute whether I wanted to go. I real life, it was hard work, a bit of a grind and I was glad to tick it off. I did tick it off though and I was mega proud of myself for getting it done. Sometimes it’s like that. My legs have five more miles in them and in 17 weeks I’ll be really glad I took the training seriously.
The highlight was running into my favourites running buddy. Stopping to play with a cat should be a part of all runs!
Anyone got any ridiculous excuses to rival my “but my hair looks nice today?” one?!! Happy running all!