SPRING into ACTION...MARCH QUEST...WEEK 3 - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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Oldfloss profile image
23 Replies


Late again !

Good morning running people and how are you all doing this bright sunny morning, here in the Staffs Moorlands!

Well... we have up here, had a week of wind and rain and more rain, oh and yes, rain:)

I have managed to sneak out a couple of times and... finally, hit 5K again, on a 40 minute or 45 minute runs... Don't ask! Coach Bennett said I had done 5.4k in 45... My Garmin said, I had done, 4.6k in 40...my build back to 10K goes on, slow and steady!

So, I am going with somewhere in the middle and say 5K! My run on Friday was in much molder weather and I even saw, very, very briefly... some sunshine!!! Really!

Just getting out there after tend days of no heat, until our new boiler, was finally up and running, have taken a bit of a toll...but all good now.

And yes, Spring is on its way.... I have seen daffodils, crocus and the first blossom appearing on the trees. I shall enjoy a bit of warmth on my back !

But enough about me... you people are getting out there, aren't you? Some of you in sunshine, and some of you in rain and mud...lots of it...but you are out and running and many of you really hitting your goals as you go!

So, come on in and let us all know, how is your Quest going? Is it going to plan? Are you struggling with some bits and feeling a need to tweak ? I tweak all the time!!!


Just in case you have not visited us here before. and if you are new to the Quest, here is the info !

What is the Quest ?

The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

The Quest takes one calendar month. You can join at any point during that time.

You do need to be a C25K Graduate before joining the Quest. The reason for this is that pre-graduation your week is very much structured according to the C25K programme, and I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.

Some popular goals are:

♦️To run three times a week

♦️To slowly increase distance

♦️To train for a specific race

♦️To add Stretch and Strength exercises to your weekly routine

This is a personal challenge, so it's completely up to you! If you want to join, all you have to do is COMMENT BELOW with something like:

I would like to join the Quest, or, count me in! I want to ..............

Every week I will put up a new post and we can all chat about how we are doing.

Happy Questing.

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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23 Replies
Annieapple profile image

🍏The beautiful English Spring! It’s fickle though! 🤣Sunshine one minute & rain the next. Definitely dodging the heavy showers to fit in my runs! Managed 2 runs last week but not the 3, that I had planned! However a beautiful walk on Saturday compensated a little & so this week my quest is 3runs plus try harder to fit in the Pilates sessions.

Thank you @Oldfloss for all the Quests this month with your wonderful pictures and paintings. Much appreciated! Xx

GoogleMe profile image

I had quite the week last week and not in a good way (even though my own journeys through the Staffordshire Moorlands were beautiful) This ranged from a startling 'inconclusive' result from a gruelling and important assessment for my son (which means more work for me to do, and more waiting), the total failure of either of my offspring to remember they had a mother, meltdowns from one (presumably due to stress), unwelcome news for him from an interview (lots more work for me to do... and more waiting), a dying (and now dead) cat and then, ta da...yesterday tested positive for Covid! I have never had Covid, even when the rest of the family did and the symptoms are all pretty normal for me, especially after being busy... except for the cough and the lack of appetite.

So... to the Quest:

1) Completely forgot about the will aspect with all the other phone calls and emails and webchats etc

2) No run

3) 2/5 restorative yoga sessions. Probably quite promising to do more of those now by way of therapy.

4) Finished reading 52 ways to walk. Little scope for evening walks, too much dashing about putting offspring where he needs to be.

5) Inching down with the weight, some good decisions made and I have decided to see the lack of appetite from Covid as a silver lining and go with it...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Oh my goodness. What a week !

You have got so, so much on. So much hassle and stress and your poor son! How on earth you are still standing amazes me. Everything is a battle!

And now Covid. Rest ! Ha ha! Liquids and let it run its course. This is not good.

Just make sure you do get some food inside you though.

Yoga may help, but just rest and read could be equally useful.

I am so sorry that you are having to go through all this... and will as we all will be rooting for you in so many ways,x

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you so much Oldfloss I'm definitely not standing much!

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

Hi GM, sorry to hear you have Covid on top of everything else you have had to contend with this week.

Rest and get well soon. x

Rooting for you 🙏xxx

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Just heard I have been allocated to the drug (Paxlovid) arm of a Covid trial so will be getting treatment from tomorrow (and the satisfactions of contributing to science) I am a keen devotee of the Florence Nightingale model of nursing so I shall prioritise a bit of time sitting outside for fresh air but that will be it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Trail blazer for science!!! Yeay!

MissUnderstanding profile image

Massive congratulations on getting that 5k. I bet that felt wonderful. It’s always a milestone when it comes around.

I’ve scrolled back to week 2 to find I missed it, and looking at my week 1 goals, I’ve hardly met any of them! 🤣🤣🤣 Hey ho, it’s a new week!

I was away last week and had good intentions to run. I packed almost as much kit as other clothes. My knee was unhappy with the journey so I didn’t manage it. I ran yesterday and I’m feeling on track again. I did some resistance band strength and flex in my hotel room. Does getting really wet on a walk count as a swim?!

Anyway, it’s back to normality this week. I should be ok to pick up where I was a week ago and not worry about the enforced rest from running. I’ve got 9k as my long run but I’ll see how that goes.

🏃‍♀️Three runs a week, any length, non negotiable.

🏃‍♀️Strength, flex, swim.

🏃‍♀️10k by the end of the month!

Happy questing everyone and look out for those mood boosting signs of spring! ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Hello and what a busy time you have had... indeed! Exciting times and yes,, getting wet could count as water based exercise!

A new week and the goals are waiting for you!

These goals seem pretty assured to me... you seem to be on track, despite everything and that run along the by the Thames... super duper!

I shall follow you and aim to get back to 10K by the end of the month too... slow and steady though it may be!

Well done to you!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss, I'm glad to hear warmth has been restored to the household with your new boiler up and running.

You did well to get running too in that cold, wet week, but notching up 5k was a great boost with a glimpse of sunshine too!

Time is flying so fast, my Quest went well last week in that I was able to complete runs 1 and 2 of Week 6 c25k, but I am aware and concerned that there are not many run opportunitues left to get ready for the 10k...

My knee seems to be holding up well with no twinges which is pleasing.

This week I will return to run/walk intervals as I begin to increase my run times in order to gain distance. Aware of the pitfalls I must remember to be careful.

A daily yoga practice has been going well, and with the better weather coming we have been getting a walk in here and there.

The milder weather and spring flowers appearing are most welcome and lift the spirit, I will try to enjoy my jeffing and stay positive.

Take care everyone


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Hello there... on track and keeping it steady... doing the runs and taking them as they come. I am with you on the walk/run intervals. Building up distance and building up strength too

With the gentle signs of Spring appearing slowly.. what better way to enjoy them, than with an interval run that gives you the time to look around.

I love that idea... well done you and glad that the knee is holding up too...you will get there! xxx

Yesletsgo profile image

Hi Oldfloss , fantastic that you're back to 5k! And 10 days with no heat!! Not what you want, we had our old boiler give up in January and 4 days without it was more than enough. Let's hope that things are looking up all round for you.

I seem to be back on track for running 3 times a week, as I've run 3 times since I got back home. I've done a few squats and things but not very often. It's probably one of those things where you need to get into a habit or routine so you don't have to think about it.

I'm also back on the NRC 10k plan, though something tells me I might be taking an extra rest day after doing the 8k run this morning. I can feel myself seizing up, maybe it was a bit over ambitious. Oh well, if you never try you never know :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Yesletsgo

Warm and snug now... though the weather is milder too now!!! A great job though and a lovely new system!

You are back home and back on track too by the sounds of it! Well done you!

An extra rest day when needed, also sounds like a plan... especially after a longer run... I have had to take an extra one for time constraints, but still welcome..... although I am only back to 5K!

See how you go and keep listening to that body!

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

There's no 'only' about 5k, it's a fantastic thing to be able to do :)

(an extra rest day sounds like a good idea right now too!!)

Sax64 profile image

Hi everyone, I've been under the weather this past week, so I've been concentrating on getting well and getting my energy levels back. Did a short run of 3 minute walk / run intervals as a comeback run and it was like rewinding back to the early days of C25K, it was obviously too much too soon. So I'll celebrate what I did ( not much) and be thankful I'm now recovered to ease back into things. But with another 3 days away with childcare again this week, I don't think there'll be a huge amount of questing going on, other than surviving the little ones.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Sax64

A great idea just to recover your strength and your energy levels! Well done to you for that!

You had a try and you listened to your body and you are sensible to just gibe it a little more time!

Just do what you are able... get the workouts with the small one... and simply enjoy... those runs are patient... :)

Folkylass profile image

Hi Oldfloss 🙋‍♀️

Well done on your 5k .Yes Spring is on the way thank goodness. However we’ve still had lots of rain. The garden is a bit sodden as are the fields.

So I ran this morning continuing with my revisit to C25K W4 R2 so hopefully weather permitting I’ll be out again Wednesday to complete W4 though the weather is not looking good.It’s still only Monday so a lot can change before then.

So my quest for this week is again the same as last week…….

♦️Continue my revisit of C25K with Steve Cram 🤞

♦️Continue with my stretches before and after my runs 🤞

♦️Be more determined to succeed 🤞

♦️Keep looking for the positives in everything 🤞

♦️Pilates …..🤞🤞


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Folkylass

Hello and welcome. Yes, indeed... Spring certainly did make its presence felt here today.. !

You run sounds to have been successful and hopefully the weather may hold for you! I am hoping for a Wednesday morning run too!

Those goals still look good and I feel sure that you are getting every closer... Well done to you!

Folkylass profile image
FolkylassAdministrator in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss nearer ,nearer ever nearer 🤞😂😂xx

chrisl72 profile image

Hi Oldfloss , better news for me this week. I took just a week off again and went for my first run on Saturday keeping to the grass in a local park. Just two laps, roughly 2km. I made a point of keeping my stride short and my cadence up and was relieved to complete the run without pain.

Yesterday, I ran 3km on the treadmill starting at an easy pace again keeping the stride short and the cadence up. I updated the screens on my watch to show cadence and kept this >180. Towards the end of the 3km, I upped the pace a bit to see how it felt, and again completed without pain.

I experimented by dropping the cadence back to my normal for a few strides and immediately noticed the difference - no pain, but I could tell why it would cause pain. I think all this time my stride length has been way too long and is probably an (if not the) underlying cause. I hope so, because it would be within my control.

Tomorrow, all being well, I'll have a run outside on the pavements and see how I get on on a harder surface.

Best of luck everyone!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to chrisl72

Hello! All sounding positive!

Keeping that run gentle and watching your stride length seems to be making an impact?

Remaining pain free on the treadmill also sounds really good too... and as if the whole issue may be resolving. It does sound very much as if you are right in assuming that the stride length was the culprit.

It will be interesting to see what happens on a hard surface...I hope that change in surfaces dies no have to be put into the equation.

Look forward to your post and how that run goes:)

chrisl72 profile image
chrisl72Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you Oldfloss! Yes, looking forward to and hoping for another positive update next week :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to chrisl72

Brilliant... !

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