It’s going to get a bit frantic when I finish this challenge (Christmas Day) so I will post runs 7, 8 and 9 now, while I have (make) some time.
16 Dec. It’s a Saturday, so it must be parkrun. Festive leggings and buff on. Lots of runners in fancy dress - it’s beginning a feel a bit like Christmas 🎵🎶🎵🎶. It threatened rain, but was just a passing shower. I had the pleasure (?) of UpTheStanley running alongside me but thankfully he didn’t push me too hard. Wind was gusting to 25 mph in our face on the way out, but it was warmer than expected (13C) so I took my running jacket off and passed it to Oldgirlruns who was marshalling. Fastest in my small age group again. Then four of us ended up in a cafe for coffee and breakfast while a Santa Run took place on the prom (I must do that again next year). So 5k and Run 7 complete. There must be a ✅ for seeing all the santas running. 🎅🏻
18 Dec - Another of my challenges was “We Three Kings “ - to run via 3 pubs with King or other Royal connections. I think Southsea may have 3 pubs to fit that category within a run, but I decided to visit 3 kings by running through residential areas to Albert Road where we called at:
🤴🏼 The Kings Theatre, currently showing Hook, the pantomime
🤴🏼 The Kings Public House, and
🤴🏼 Kings Estate Agents
I realised later that we’d both coincidentally chosen to wear Royal blue tops too - very appropriate.
Run 8 and another 2.3km done and another ✅
20 Dec - Today was to be Strava Art to make a Christmas picture. I was chatting to UTS about what I could do and thought a star might be easiest, having done a Christmas Parcel before. The next thing, he was on Google Earth and had worked out my route near the Skate Park. It was a chilly 9C, with a 28 mph westerly, so I was glad of my gloves and a festive buff. We did a run/walk trip there, and agreed the landmarks I would aim for. UTS stood at some of the points to give me something to aim at. What a star!
He then did an intervals run along the prom while I carried his tracksuit in a rucksack (the least I could do) and ran/walked home. Run 9 and 2.6 km in all. ✅
When I complete the challenge on Christmas Day I will earn a medal to put on the Christmas Tree. Now which one will it be? A penguin, an elf, or a bear? And will Shake-and-run get the same medal? You will have to wait for the next instalment to find out……..
Merry Christmas Everybody, and a Happy Running New Year.