After a successful run 1 of week 2 of the NRC HM plan this morning, I went to look at the activity stats and all progress was gone, so I don't want to start again and run week 1 again but if I start where I've got to it will never show as complete. Fed up at the moment,
HM plan has run away : After a successful run... - Bridge to 10K
HM plan has run away

Don’t worry about what shows on the NRC app Sola. You and Mr Garmin know exactly what you have done. Just carry on with the programmed runs regardless. A lot of people don’t do all their runs with the app anyway.
NRC doesn’t seem to be very reliable at all at the moment. Do you think the gremlins have got their way in?
I wonder if there is a regional comms issue? I am lucky; my runs are being recorded ok on NRC. I only do 3 runs in each week and then pass on to the next week. I close each run as I finish, and that is it; App does the rest 🤷🏻♂️ Really frustrating, but I am with Dexy5…I would press on Sola; it is the run that matters, not the record.

Just an afterthought. I sometimes find that the run takes a while to close; I have to keep my thumb on the black disk for a while until the screen changes…the data appears pretty quickly after that. Not suggesting operator error here….I just wondered whether others have that experience?

Hi Sola, how annoying, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve put in the work. I don’t bother much with the app tracking unless it’s intervals/Fartleks, which is a bit difficult to ad-lib, as I know you’ve experienced from one of your recent posts. I have my NRC plan in a spreadsheet which I update after each run - I’ve only actually recorded 2 runs on the app (partly due to technical reasons).
I’m on week 2 with you! 😁

Mine is the same. My new phone is rubbish at playing the podcasts, I've given up on it. My old phone will play the podcasts but not record or tick off the runs. All I really care about is actually listening to the coaching, so I've resorted to the old fashioned method of writing all my runs down with a pen and paper and ticking them off.
Of course, you might feel differently to me, I hope you get it sorted. xx
I'm going to make a spreadsheet but at the moment my computer is having a laugh at me 🤣🤣🤣 I'll sort it, good luck with yours xx

Sorry to hear the tech is letting you down at the moment Sola and sorry I can’t help you sort it - I think I left my IT skills in the office when I retired, so I’m all in favour of AlMorr’s pen and paper option! Fortunately I have a Dexy5 to help me when I get stuck! I’m very impressed that you’re embarking on a HM plan, after all you’ve been through this year it’s good to hear you’re getting your running mojo back. I’m pleased if I can do 10km and still breathe at the end of it! Go you!
Thank you, I jeffed the last 10k and felt great afterwards. I found I had made a spreadsheet for this HM plan so not worrying if the progress disappears on the app. Walking Ng and running is keeping me sane at the moment, and stops me wallowing in misery. I'm also painting doors and frames which is really boring but looks nice.
My poor granddaughter can hardly walk down the stairs and is blaming me!!! Week 1 run 1 C25k and I've broke her, whoops 🤭

the info should still be available as it’s stored on their server I understand. I’ve lost mine before but a close down of the phone and cache clearing bought it all back. Phew. Give it a try 🙂 I assume you update the app 🙂👍