I hate getting old …(58!) my lower back hurts … but I digress …week 9 on the 10K apps I skipped sone weeks as run.. ok jog anyway… but I r lost my mojo…& put on a stone… I’m struggling with both… any help will be appreciated…. BTW I always jog & that’s good !!
lost my mojo: I hate getting old …(58!) my... - Bridge to 10K
lost my mojo

Interesting post!
Getting old at 58 🤔
I've no chance then .. I started at 63 having never run in my life, now 66.
Lower back ache is not uncommon in runners and of course could be caused by many reasons.
If it's consistent or painful though then it's worth finding out why and making sure there are no mechanical problems. certainly don't run in pain .
Lower back ache in runners can often be the result of a weak core.
Are you doing any strength & Flex training on non running days ?
That will certainly help
Not quite sure why you say you skipped some weeks of the plan ?
Following a structured running plan will certainly help you get the results you are aiming for with less chance of injury!
And of course in parallel with a sensible eating regime.
I remember when I started running I used to think I'm running now, I can eat what I want ! .... Not true of course.
The two things combined will certainly help with your progress
This in turn will also help with the mojo.
Once we start seeing the results we are more inclined to continue.
Perhaps try to remember the reasons you started running in the first place 🙂
I also find 'Creative visualisation' helps .
I am not running at the moment following several setbacks but will be restarting the program hopefully soon !
I am already visualising some of my previous enjoyable long easy runs,.
I certainly know this will help me to get going again .
Good luck !
Having done c25k…& run regularly for 45 mins … I looked at the 10K app and moved to a week which was comparable with my level so far it’s working g well & I like the discipline it offers …
I’m back on Ww which works for me… I’ve been simply over eating … Dad v ill… not happy etc … so back to discipline all round …
The back I did getting out of the bath…. I do need to stretch more ….which I need to definitely do more of..!! .& I swim-2750m & I do combat so I’m fit…
Any way…. I’m back on it..& today I rather liked it !
Good 👍
I think you hit the nail on the head with the word 'Discipline'
I was reluctant to add that in my reply 😁
What 10k app are you using please?
Just wanted to let you know that your reply here has inspired me to sort my diet out. Like you I've had lots of challenges over the last 6 months so good reasons why things have gone to pot. However, this week was the week to get back on track so thanks for sharing, it gave me the kick up the proverbial I needed and it feels good to be back in control. 😀

Getting old generally beats the alternative... and I never like to hear weight spoken of in stones (sounds so... heavy) And you are calling your running motion a jog.... I'm no fan of toxic positivity but eek soooooo much unhelpful self-talk! (Especially as you mention further down the actual tough stuff you are dealing with)
As most know, I am not a running stretcher, but I do think gentle yoga is a good maintenance protection for the lower back. I sustained a bony spine injury to my lower back as a child which I was told would resurface as arthritis in later life. What I find helps is avoiding hard surfaces for running (so I won't run on tracks and rock multiple sessions in a row and avoid roads and pavements pretty much altogether) and minimalist running footwear. That may sound counter intuitive but it keeps you light on your feet and off your heels which is what seems to affect the lower back.
hmm I live in the real world …& having lost dear friends too early aging is a privilege…. But I’m certainly not toxic negative… just a realistic who like many needs a kick up the preverbal arse every now and then !! It’s called life … I need to stretch post run and need to remember to do this !!
Life always gets in the way… I just her to not eat my way through it !!

I was a complete couch potato in my 30’s. Only started running at 43. I’m running on and off and sometimes due to life events I need to start from scratch all over again. It’s a pain, it’s hard and it’s sore. But it is so worth the effort. Good luck and keep plodding away. Bye the way, I lost 3 stone pre covid, got pretty fit, covid, covid stone plus another, back running, getting fitter, one stone gone, one more to go. All I can advise is that you should keep plugging away.
oh no! It happens to us all! Following an injury 2yrs ago I was really suffering with PF and hip pain so stoop running! I had lots going on in my life changed roles at work and wasn’t feeling it! Somehow running is like an itch that I have scratched! I had stayed a member of my run group and last September the itch was back! So spoke to group manager and she said she was going to do a rehab group as she her self was returning from injury! So that was it back to running and really loving it! I got back to running whole 5ks again and started T10 training everything was going great run Christmas Eve Boxing Day New Year’s Day on a very flooded park run course!
I had even signed up to the winter run 10k as a goal!
January arrived and so did the flu that knocked me for 6 breathing was awful due to asthma three weeks of no running! Got my head back into gear realised the 10k looming!
Arranged to do my 10k graduation followed by the London run and 1 10k per month!
I was really excited about it went to work looking forward to graduating that night with my friend Maggi! Then disaster struck! I tripped fell and broke my shoulder!
Funny enough I text my friend and told her I had mullered my shoulder before calling for help!
No more running from January until 2nd week of April! Stone and a half weight gain! The itch was back knowing the beginners course was about to start I approached the club and have worked out a rehab program using C25K to do it solo!
Today is week 5 run 3 under orders from physio nothing more than a light jog!
I hope this helps you get your mojo back! Knowing their are others like you mojo flagging!
Think about the positives of running 🏃♀️ not focusing on the negatives!
You can do this I have faith in you!

Hope you regain your mojo soon. Lots of good advice here. I’m 68 so know how we feel sometimes as we age. I too lose my mojo periodically but I miss running and this is what gets me running again.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and go out for short, manageable runs that don’t over-tax you and you’ll begin to feel more positive about running. By the way, which 10k app do you use?
Good luck!

I started running in 2020 and completed C25K and then did 10k. Also completed LeJog Injury forced me on the couch and I have struggled with my mojo ever since. BUT I am determined to get it back and hunt it down …good luck with yours
go you …. With determination… you will get there !!
You can't be old, coz I'm 63 and I'm not old.
lol ok