Now that it's getting cooler I've been trying hard to get back to running 3 times a week. So far, so good. On Monday we set out to do 5k but our usual path is starting to get very overgrown between km 2 and km 3. Neither of us fancied getting our legs whipped by wet vegetation so we tried a slightly different route. It's all farmland and there are lots of paths so there was plenty of choice.
About halfway through the run we came to a small reservoir used for irrigation. I haven't been there for a while so decided to have a look and see what the water levels are like following this hot dry summer. Happy to report plenty of water (and lots of birds!) and I've attached a photo.
Due to our different route, as well as generally getting carried away, we ended up doing 6km not 5km, further than I've done for quite a while. Today I wanted to take things a bit easier.
Again we tried branching out along some different paths. We started pretty slowly and sped up as we went along. Not quite negative splits, as so often happens km 3 was a bit slower.
Once we reached the final km I was feeling great so decided to speed up a little bit. Not quite Running Terminator but it felt as if everything was flowing, a really good feeling. I looked at my wrist to see my pace.... instead, there was a symbol showing I'd run out of battery!! This has never happened before!! I charged it on Monday and normally it'd last a bit longer than this. I don't spend my whole run checking it by any means but I felt a bit cheated as I could feel I was definitely moving quicker and like to see the numbers (yeah, pathetic, I know lol).
Luckily, I was also tracking with NRC so at least I've got some stats, final pace was 14 seconds quicker than the previous and 38 seconds quicker than the first km (I do feel obliged to say that a lot of you would probably consider my top speed to be a brisk walking pace but hey ho comparisons are odious aren't they )
I charged my watch as soon as I got in but annoyingly it hadn't recorded anything for the run. There doesn't seem to be the facility on Garmin Connect to add runs manually (as you can for NRC) so it looks like I've only done one run this week. A bit annoying but not the end of the world.