I woke around 7.30 after nearly 9 hours sleep, Body Battery full, so of course the best way to start the day was a run. It was warm again, not as hot as the UK but 20C in the shade so no way was I going to be breaking any records today.
We set off on more or less the same route as Tuesday but when we reached the forest took a different turning, which meant we covered 5.5 km instead of 5 km. It didn't feel like hard work but every so often I'd think I was running fast and see the pace on my wrist - 9:30, 9:45, perceived effort is a weird thing. At the end of the run my stats say the average pace was exactly the same as last time, 9:07 min/km. At least I was consistent with that, but my heartrate was in zone 5 for 33% of the run. On Tuesday it barely got there at all so I must have been working harder today.
I drew comfort from the idea that these long slow runs would build up my VO2 but Mr Garmin has obviously turned against me as I've gained a year. Oh well, they are only numbers, aren't they?