It was hot yesterday and, being the opposite of larks, we didn't get out for our run until after 9am. We decided to do 3km, the idea of pushing on and on in the heat didn't appeal at all.
A few niggles with the NRC app, once again the auto on/off started cutting in so I stopped the run, reset the settings to 'off', then started running again.
My husband was setting the pace, so what was probably an easy run from him was a bit quick for me. Never mind, it was kind of nice to be a bit faster than I'd choose. He was also checking the distance as mine was all up the creek thanks to NRC's wobbles. (Do any of you know whether if I was to uninstall and reinstall would I lose all my data?)
We ran along the coastal path, turning after 1.5km. Just past 2km we decided to have a swim. I jumped in in my running gear, luckily remembering to take my phone out of my belt I discovered that my running shorts are very comfortable for swimming in too!
It was lovely, cool and bracing. The south coast is where I holidayed when I was a child and there's something magical about it. I normally hate cold water but put me in the sea here and I revert to early childhood. Bliss when you're all hot and sweaty!