When I left work this arvo, it was pouring outside and I was not looking forward to run in that kind of rain. At the same time, did not want to miss the long run day. Luckily, by the time I reached my sister's place and started out run it had turned into light showers and completely stopped by the time we walked to the park. Yay! Completed the 13k run and so proud of myself..even though the legs are a bit sore today.
My pace though has remained kind of in same zone so far. Not that I am trying any harder, still going at conversational place trying to enjoy being outside and exercising. Wondering if the pace slowly improves with time?
My sister was tracking the run on google fit and it says 17.66km. She refuses to believe we did only 13k in that time as she thinks our pace was good too.
Finished the run and was rewarded with this beautiful sight. U can tell its going to be a foggy night/early morning again.
Btw, I am having trouble when clicking on the notifications to go to the comment. It comes up with some error & does not display the page. Having issues with going to anyone's page to look at their posts through notifications. Is anyone else experiencing any website problems?