Having been first an equestrian and then a cyclist, I started running a couple of years or so ago following a challenge made over a glass of wine. My life long friend and ‘bestie’ Sandie1961 said she would complete C250K on a bike if I would do C25K. We both completed our training but the celebration ‘event’ weekend was curtailed by Lockdown. As far as I know, Sandie doesn’t cycle anymore but I have kept on with the running. I’m lucky to live in the same town as TailChaser who kindly gives up her time one evening a week to slow down her pace and run with me. We have also shared some runs dressed as reindeer and in Santa suits as she echoes my willingness to make a fool of myself. Sadly I’m two hours away from Sandie so not able to meet up as often, except when we are both in France (where our homes are in the same area) and we can trot around the nearby lake in the early hours of hot summer days.
I am not a natural runner. I not particularly quick and I always seem to be nursing a sore, knee, ankle, hip etc. It has taken me 12 months to sort out my breathing so that I don’t sound like a steam train and I have never discovered the euphoria that other runners go on about (I know it exists as I have experienced it on a bike). I plod on gaining a few seconds of improved pace now and again and jeffing (to ease the joints) when I do longer distances of 10k or more. When I started, I had hoped that I would get stronger and quicker so that I would be able to keep up with Sandie and Tailchaser, but I have come to accept that they are both way out of my league.
However, they both remain loyal to me and continue to support me in my running, whether it is turning up at stupid o’clock to run with me, including me in their plans to attend running events or just encouraging me in person or via social media, they are always there beside me in person or in spirit. They are both a great source of support, Tailchaser with her technical know how and talent for solving problems and Sandie with her drive and determination. Both can run faster and further than I ever hope to be able to, and both are wonderful, delightful ladies who are a joy to spend time with. I know I would have binned my trainers months ago if it wasn’t for these two ladies so I am very happy to thank them here for everything they do for me to keep me running. Ladies you are my inspiration, I salute you. Thank you very much.