If anybody had said a few years ago I would voluntarily run round the streets of Lincoln in a howling gale and torrential rain, I’d have said they were mad. Well, turns out it’s me who’s mad 🤪 The Lincoln 2020 10k had been postponed several times but finally went ahead this morning. I watched the weather forecast last night with some trepidation, but I’d paid for it and I wanted that bling 😂 Chris dropped me off, I donned a fetching bin bag in an effort to at least be dry at the start and at 10.00 we were off. The wind dropped around 5k, but then, at 8k, the rain turned into a monsoon. Water was running in rivers down the centre of the roads and, towards the finish in front of the Cathedral it was splashing over my ankles. Sadly Strava freaked out at the weather and only managed to record 2seconds before it gave up so thank goodness for chip timing. Needless to say, it wasn’t my fastest 10k but at an official 1.06.58, it wasn’t too shabby. As we were on the way home, inevitably the rain stopped and the sun came out and we had plenty of time to enjoy it from the car, as our 5 mile drive home took over an hour in the rush to get out of the city. Hey ho!
2020(1) extremely soggy City of Lincoln 10k - Bridge to 10K
2020(1) extremely soggy City of Lincoln 10k

Sounds pretty grim to me! Well done for doing it. A Girl Guide is always prepared to have a go at anything and make the most of it. Love the bin bag idea!!

Well done for braving the elements Sandie. I must say it sounds like lots of fun to me, being a confirmed lover of running in the rain. You have some more bling for your collection too. Excellent! 👏👏
I did think that this would have been heaven for you 😂😂 Thankfully a closed road race so no traffic splashing and no mud. Could’ve been worse!
Wow, well done!!! xxx

Epic weather! So really well done. 🌧🦆🏃♀️🏊♀️

Brilliant effort Sandie. Bit of a soggy ride home but worth it for the bling.🙂

Woohoo!!! Yeah, the promise of some fancy bling is often enough to make me get out there, I find! I also ran my 10k race this morning on the promise of a medal, I ran it alone and virtually but utterly enjoyable!
Fabulously well done!


They were selling flimsy plastic rain capes at our race this morning.
Well done for running under such conditions.

Well done Sandie! That time certainly isn’t too shabby at all - the weather was horrendous today! I salute you for running, that Strava is a wuss by comparison 😁.
I have hinted to Mr S that if I had the Garmin watch he was going to buy me for my birthday (in July), then I wouldn’t need to struggle with my phone. May have to be less subtle 😂

Well done Sandie 🏅👍 Great looking bling and well earned by the sound of it!
Isn’t it typical for the sun to come out when it’s all over? 🙄

I was there too! It was torrential, quite an experience … just when you thought it couldn’t rain any harder, it did! Great time by the way. Roll on next year!
Well done for going. Apparently there were only 2575 finishers and I think about 5000 had registered. We must be made of tougher stuff 😂 One we will remember for some time I think! Running up Nettleham Road for the 2nd time was probably the wettest I have ever been. I didn’t even bother trying to avoid the rivers!

Not too shabby at all it makes you wonder how fast you’d have run it in perfect conditions

Some people will do anything for a bit of bling! Very well done on getting out there Sandie. I bet a hot bath was welcome after that. Our race 4 life on the common today was cancelled due to the weather.

Sounds soggy Sandie! But I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Congratulations onthe extreme 10k!!!🌧️☂️🏃♀️🏅

Huge well done you.... Home and dry now I hope. What a super run, especially after the GSR too ! xx
Oh yes 👍 Hot shower and bacon sarnie. Off to France tomorrow to close up the house for winter and celebrate Shake’s 60th birthday 🎂🥂

Blimey that sounded like quite a challenge. Well done for braving it and claiming your well earned bling!

Well done Sandie - very creditable time for that weather. Unfortunately you can't wait until it finishes when it's a race!

Well done that sounds like quite a crazy downpour!

I can confirm it was wet in Lincoln but from the warmth of my own hone! I really meant to register but missed cut off date but did 11k on Wednesday Welton - Lincoln instead and was def drier 😂 Well done!

Well done. I have my first official ‘race’ as a 10km at Knebworth on Sunday. Bit nervous but looking forward to it.

Well done Sandie, thought about all you runners in that torrential rain, friend of mine did the Lincoln 10 k and two more did the Worksop Half Marathon. You all need a medal just for turning out!!😱😂