Yesterday I really wanted to get a 5K in, but the weather was looking odd. They had predicted storm (which hit in it's heaviest during the early morning today and when I drove to work). There were dark clouds and some wind. Nevertheless I wanted my 5K done, so I kitted up and went out. Walking to my starting point there were some drops of rain and I was wondering whether I should call it off or not.
Not, I continued. After a bit the drop stopped, but it remained ominous. I ran faster than normal, wanting to be home before the shit hit. Running through the little piece of forest, I took out my emergency whistle as I felt a bit anxious in this ominous weather.
Some more drops at which I remember I did not put my phone in a plastic bag. So if it would start to rain, I'd have a big problem. I might have to look into buying something to protect my phone that is better than a plastic bag. But the drippling stopped after a bit again.
I kept running faster than normally and I cut my road short, because of which the 5K ended literally at my door. My last step before I touched the door was 5.01K. So no cooling down walk, but I did my dynamic stretches (I do the same dynamic stretches before and after a run - I know after a run they should be static stretches but I'm too lazy).
Before I started my run, my piriformis muscle felt a little sore. I have an issue with it, 1,5 years ago I had a week when I couldn't walk because of it. I knew going for a run would worsen it and it did. Got a very painful piriformis muscle now which presses I think on the sciatic nerve. Hope it will solve by Saturday, because Saturday I really want to do my 13/14K run...
Cheers, Evy